TemujinBC Finds Spiritual eFreedom

Day 874, 19:04 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC
"...I applaud your ingenuity in the face of overwhelming difficulty..."

As you are all aware, on day 867 (April 5th) at approximately 23:30 erep time, I logged into the Canadian National Defense org and donated over $4000 CAD to several Canadians. This was my last act as Minister of Civil Defense, and it was done for several reasons.

"...I applaud your ingenuity in the face of overwhelming difficulty..."

First, it was done for Teh LulZ. The people chosen to be on the receiving end of the donations represent an interesting cross-section of Canada. But now they are all linked in a funny way. We all know the answer to the trivia question: "What do JBDivinus, Scorpius, Banach, Craig Norman, Octavian_F, SaltyDog and PimpDollaz have in common?". And sixty-nine cents to Scorpius. I don't care who you are, that is funny stuff right there.

Secondly, it was done to re-kindle the notoriety of The Crimson Order (specifically the Crimson Canucks). For a long time we were known as the black sheep of Canada. We did a lot of crazy stuff, made a lot of people angry, gave many middle fingers, and asked for no quarter in return. It was a fun time and activity levels were at an all-time high. I wanted that to return for us.

Finally (and most importantly), it was done to give Canadians something to do. The events of everyday Canadian life tend to be the same old routine, with a random twist every once in a while. Octavian_F and his tl;dr newspapers, the feuds between Pimpy and Rylde, Octo and Craig, and Pimpy and Coda, GrainGate, IronGate, Coin Flips and Delaware and citizenships to "traitors"... but I wanted something different. I wanted to shake things up without really causing any damage. And I wanted to be at the center of it.

"...I applaud your ingenuity in the face of overwhelming difficulty..."

The consequences of my actions were swift and decisive. No more eCanada forums for me, no more access to the secure channel on IRC, friends removing me like crazy, and even had a CAF member leave my gift company in protest. And now, it seems the Minister of Justice is attempting to charge me with several things and bring me to court.

My first reaction to the trial and charges was to laugh, and plot how I would beat the system. I began to put together a crack legal team, and it seemed clear I was home-free. But since that time something very strange and wonderful has occurred. Something I never would have expected. It has shaken me to my very roots, and caused me to re-think a lot of my previous worldviews.

I received a message from Adam Sutler.

Already, I can hear the skeptics laughing. "Adam Sutler is dead!", they scoff. To those of you who are too young to remember, Adam Sutler was a Canadian citizen, long since dead, who allegedly created dozens of multi accounts, and used the gold to help Canadians of all ages. He was born on day 161, and died more than a year ago, but has left a huge mark on many Canadians who were around in the Beta version. It has been rumored that he still plays the game, but doesn't reveal himself.

I was born on day 648, several months after the passing of Adam Sutler. I am still in shock that he would bring me a message of encouragement, but that is precisely what he did. I cannot reveal the entire contents of the message, but the most important part of it you are all well aware of:

"...I applaud your ingenuity in the face of overwhelming difficulty..."

And so on this day, 874 of the New World, I proclaim myself a a member of the Sutlerite religion. I cannot know what the future holds, nor do I expect another message from Adam Sutler in the future. But from now on I will strive towards ingenuity in the face of overwhelming difficulty. This mantra shall be true in all aspects of my life, whether as a CC Executive, a company owner, a philanthropist, or an investor. I hope this is what Sutler would have me do. I believe it is.

And so, I shall not be fighting any charges laid against me by the Minister of Justice. If the Justices of Canada can agree upon charges they feel will apply, I will accept any verdict they decide. There will be no defense. There will be no need for a trial. There will be no fighting on my behalf. I will agree to whatever recommendations they have, whether it is a fine, community service, repayment of of any non-recovered funds, banishment from Canada, or all points in between. I have faced overwhelming difficulty the past week, but I will face it no longer.

To Cypher Rahl and Tyler F. Durden: Thank you for your efforts in forming my defense. I will no longer be needing your services. You have been compensated for your time. We would have won, I have no doubt in my mind.

To Chucky Norris: Sorry about fouling up the final moments of your term. You probably deserved better, although you never did repay Rylde and I for the Delaware RW 🙂

To Derek Harlan😛 Hey, at least your term as Pres started off with a bang. I'm glad we're still friends though. Apologies won't change a thing, but I offer my sincerest to you anyways.

To Adam Sutler: There is someone very special who wishes to speak with you. If you are out there, and you are listening, please contact her. I know I shouldn't be asking requests, but this will be the only one and it is of paramount importance.

Hugs and Kisses,
