Support We The People! PQ for Congress!

Day 1,890, 16:08 Published in USA USA by Silas Soule

Vote We The People!
Vote We The People!
Vote We The People!
Vote Phoenix Quinn!

"No. I think a party is necessary in a free state to preserve its
freedom -- the truly virtuous should firmly unite and form a party
capable at all times of frustrating the wicked designs of the enemies
of the doctrine of equality and the rights of man."

-- Thomas Jefferson

In his campaign announcement my esteemed colleague, socialist-freedom comrade and respected friend, Hampton H. Hampton, repeats the following nostrums of political wisdom: "I know that my party is greater than me" and "I also know that the eUSA is greater than my party".

While I take great delight in HHH's constructive and positive role in all of his eRep endeavors and I heartily support his Congressional candidature under the gracious nomination of the WTP, I would like to take this opportunity to dispute this line of thought for just a moment.

I appreciate the sentiment expressed by HHH, but I cannot, at a reasoned philosophical level, agree with it.

The T. Jefferson quote above helps to explain why. You see, in my peculiar view of things, it is the duty of neither my party nor my country to be "greater" than me, nor is such a thing desirable. It is my own responsibility to be "great" and no one else's, particularly not some abstract collective.

As a believer in e-anarko-communist horizontal autonomy, who upholds version 2.0 of proletarian internationalist democracy, and, in short, as somewhat who wants to encourage all that is good and true and full of the warrior spirit, I think that I am and certainly hope that I am better (and greater) than my party, for example, because the Socialist Freedom Party -- as much as I love and adore it -- is pretty much a freak show. It is a convenience, a travelling gypsy caravan, whose very ongoing existence as a somewhat crazed, left-wing-anarchist circus continually and perpetually seeks to frustrate the wicked designs of monocrats and other dubious characters. Know what I mean? And that is great. It is fun. I stick with it because it virtuous and cantankerous.

But is it "greater" than me? Like, would I endure being tortured to defend its deep, dark secrets? Probably not. And in eRep terms, that's meaningless anyway. I mean really, what sacrifices are really possible in a browser game? Will I compromise to keep the Party together? Sure. But that's kind of the point of politics. Does that make the Party "greater" than me? I think not. No.

OK. So howzabout the eUSA? Is it "greater" than the SFP? (or the WTP?) Well, in some structuralist sense, sure of course it is. But that is kind of like saying "The sky is above me.", no?

Actually, it is the parties where real community resides. That is where the spirit of freedom takes root. That's where horizontal autonomy happens and democracy 2.0 is forged. Now, make no mistake: I will support the Unity process as long as it serves the purpose of discouraging and defeating what I consider to be a dishonorable bunch of malcontents (the AFA), but I don't consider any of the members of the eUSA gummint to be "greater" than I am. Why should I? What would that say about my dignity? What would that even mean? It sounds very monocratic to me. And I prefer a republic that is democratic.

You know: based in the people, of the people, for the people. Yeah, us, we the people. We are what's great. Each and every individual one of us.

So. I respectfully disagree with my friend HHH's take on this topic. But I do strongly encourage you to vote for the WTP in the Congressional elections -- with enough votes for the WTP, you will get two great tastes that taste great together by electing both HHH and PQ on the WTP ticket! (Not to mention electing all those other great WTP candidates.)

If all of that clever philosophizing failed to convince you, then here is another reason to vote WTP, and therefore to vote PQ for Congress on January 25th:

That's right: PQ will reveal his butt cannons if elected to Congress!!

Vote PQ for Moar Butt Cannons!!!

Vote We The People!
Vote Phoenix Quinn!
Vote Butt Cannons!

As always, XXX,

The PQ-for-Congerz Campaign is endorsed by the following parties, militias and organizations.
Note that these endorsements do not necessarily mean that PQ endorses these parties, militias or organizations!

* The Cell of Iconoclastic Individuals
* Group of 'tires that are deflated but not resigned'
* International Cell of Fire Starters
* Commando Osmany Ramon
* The Friends of Loukanikos
* Conspiracy of Raging Agorist Practitioners
* International Revolutionary Front - Deviant Brigade for the Spreading of Revolutionary Laughter
* Revolutionary Anarchist Cell for Revenge
* Conspirators Against the Existing Urban Quiet
* Metropolitan Solidaritarians for the Expropriation of Daily Life
* "Long Live the Snapping Turtles" Cell of the Informal Anarchists Federation
* Individuals in support of doing-what-the-hell-you-like
* Cell for Violent and Excessive Attacks on e-Power
* Cell of revolutionary action for the immediate destruction of the e-State
* Anticivilization Fraction of the Animal Liberation Front of Lower Mills
* Intergalatic Union of Libertarian Socialists
* Autonomous Autonoms for Justice for Pussy Riot
* The Wild Hogs
* The Masked Ones
* The Nihilist Anarchists Who Are Holding Hands
* Fire Cell of the Locust Liberation League
* Fraction of Gender Renegades of the Moscow Free Thougt Association
* some counter-surveillance cores
* Mid-Western Hooligans
* Underground Syndicalist Demon Squad
* Friends of Jude Connors
* Friends of Josh Mahurin
* Army of Twelve Monkeys
* Invisible Combatant Cells
* Transgender Anti-Police Project of Canada
* Destructive Lumpen of the Wild and Eternal Childhood, Direct Action Brigade
* Friends of Gunpowder
* Your Mom

Please feel free to add the endorsement of your group of malcontents in the handy comments section below.

Vote We The People!
Vote Phoenix Quinn!
Vote We The People!
Vote Phoenix Quinn!