Sunday Announcement: Monday Postponed till Tuesday

Day 1,356, 07:45 Published in USA USA by George Armstrong Custer
There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man.
It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity.
It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge.
This is the dimension of imagination.

It is an area which we call The Monday Minutemen.

Dateline: Sunday August 7, 2011 (Day 1,356)
Location: The Twilight Zone
Reporter: USMC Recruit Private George Armstrong "Old Man" Custer

Sometimes Monday Happens on a Tuesday

This week will make it two-for-two.
I'll be working an overtime shift Sunday night, sleeping clean through Monday, and we'll do the Monday Minuteman thing on Tuesday.

We have no commitments or even plans, we'll fight where my advisers suggest-- wherever America or our Allies could use our help most.

Pre-registration is open, the form is live now.
Be sure you can commit to an unknown destination, as volunteers do cover their own transport expenses.

Monday Minutemen come from all walks of eLife-- Military, Militia, Civilians, Americans, Greeks, Canadians, Croatians and other Allies.
Unlike every US President within memory and a handful of individuals with personal axes to grind, the Challenge Coin Project and now the Monday Minutemen bridge the gap, not widen it, by including instead of excluding, by promoting instead of denigrating, by earning respect by showing respect.

Fight for freedom. Fight with your countrymen and allies, not against them.
Fight with the Monday Minutemen... on Tuesday.


Shout of the Day:
Monday Minutemen Announcement
Special Guest Rod Serling

I've gotten twenty of the fifty-two Challenge Coins made thus far, for the volunteer fighters who participated in last week's Minuteman adventures. I hope to finish the rest in my sleep Monday for presentation Tuesday.

Recent Payouts: We sent 52 volunteer fighters and 530 Q5 weapons to four different battlefields last Tuesday.

Recent Donations: Donate USD/Gold here and Q5 Weapons here.

Recent Purchases: I've purchased tanks to replenish to current stock level.

Current Stock: 3000 Q5 tanks. Challenge Coin stash will no longer be held at the Marketplace.

If you want to join the any branch of the USMilitary, the Training Corps is the place to start.

Do you have what it takes to be a Marine?
4000 strength, rank of General, 940 minimum influence per fight with no weapon

George Armstrong "Old Man" Custer
Marine Corps Media Officer

Tune in Tuesday for another edition of Halls of Montezuma
Until then, Semper Fi, America!