Story time

Day 2,105, 09:26 Published in Australia Australia by Septimius Maximinus

IDK, if this is allowed but i have made up fun stories with minecraft, i am not advertising or anything it is just I have a large imagination and i would like to let it spill out.

My Nation from the start. The Democratic Republic of Flattoria (partial view of city, more to come)

Started as a fun game between me and my friends the government structure was originally a tribal system but that moved on later when I officially set up the State.

Democratic Republic of Flattoria

Government, Dominate Party Authoritarian Socialist State

(Note, The Red Flag is the Union Flag, the original flag is white😛lue:red)

Elections, Free Multi Party for the Supreme Soviet, Premier is Premier for life

Premier, ME Comrade General Tony (theo)

Political Parties, 1 registered, United Peoples Party, Position Far-Left Authoritarian

Legislature: Supreme Soviet, Unicameral

Creation June 2012

Military: Organized well trained force, Militia (regulars), The Peoples Guard (special Forces)

Wars: Flattorian Civil war, The End Conflict, Rebel Uprisings, DRF - Reno Islands War

Union with goblin mountain (i did not name that), Republic of Flattoria, Republic of South Flattoria, West Flattorian Peoples Republic.

Puppet States, Reno Islands 2013-present

Territory, All of Mainland Flattoria (With the Union treaty signed August 2013)

Coat of Arms/Emblem Pickaxe and Sickle.

More stories to come later, just wanted to see how this would play out, if it is against the rules just let me know i will delete it if it is not and you think it is interesting leave a like.

This article itself is just a general overview of the nation.