Some Politics and New Countries

Day 1,049, 13:36 Published in USA USA by CrayolaButthole

Welcome to the World Wide Whitehead Political Spotlight Update with CrayolaButthole. The only paper that will give you what you need and to the fullest. So lets talk some Erepublik stuff shall we.

Politics Now
Well this month’s CP elections should be a thriller. Cromstar, Colin Lantrip, Jacksondr5, CivilAnarchy, ClaireLittleton have announced or either claim to be running, this info courtesy of the UIP. Last months elections were riddled by multi voting. And after a look at the final results the Admins found multi votes and removed nearly 250 votes. Thus putting St.Krems in-front of Cromstar in the Race. St.Krems would then be elected to his 2nd straight term. Now going back to the August congress race. The Conservative Party pushed their way into the top 5. Thus pushing the UIP out of the top 5. Once the Admins found out about a mass movement of people to one party in a few hours they acted. Banning multis and removing the Conservs from the top 5. The UIP would not be able to participate in the elections. But this past month they regained 7 seats in congress. So that's good for the UIP. Now a controversy started brewing after PTH announced he would run for Congress in Wyoming under the UIP. But after UIP Party President Justin McCravok realized it, he quickly replaced PTH with Andy Costello. Now PTH said on Josh Whiteheads show a few weeks ago that he would bow to destroy the UIP, even if it took him the rest of his eLife. He has made public threats against the UIP including PMing several members. Broadcasting it on his show last week.

Many eUS citizens may have awoken to the following message. “All national goals have been accomplished.USA is victorious!” What does this mean? Well this is very good it means our country has completed all of the goals set forward by St Krems. This is the third time in eUS history where the US has completed all of its Goals.

Now turning to a big merger in the eUS.
Now to the American Defense and Trade Party, Republicans, and America Military party. All these parties have merged to create a super party. No new party name announced yet. This is a great move, by the leaders of all 3 parties. This will defiantly create a super-party in the eUS. But many leaders from the Repubs have gone over to the New ADTP. Darrel Anderson of the Repubs is now acting as the new parties Vice President. Ronald Regan Reborn and Richard Nixon II have also gone to ADTP.

New Countries
PTOers these guys are everybody’s last nightmare. Now with the addition of 6 new countries I have a feeling that at-least 3 will be taken over. Taiwan, FYROM, and Cyprus.
New Zealand looks to have a strong base of Americans and Aussies, who will leave to set things up once the 6 new countries come online later this month. New Zealand may be the most successful Country due to the support. They already have a country forum, and IRC channel. Also many eUS parties have come up with the idea to open up new branches in NZ. USWP and UIP have both proposed possible parties. But nothing their yet. As some already know the UIP has two foreign parties, one in Israel and one in Belgium. So its gonna be fun looking at the 6 new countries rise.

New Zealand
Today all the heads of the NZ government were appointed. You can call this the so call provisional Head cabinet. The cabinet is made up of people from all over the eWorld. Phoenix and Eden have put their differences behind in order to help make New Zealand Rise. NZ already has an IRC channel, Forums, and Parties ready to come into the game once the country is launched.

Here are some key leaders
Provisional Leader: Myles Robinson (eUS)
Deputy: Bass Junkie (eAus)
Deputy: Crusadercarl (eAus)

Taiwan is a former territory of China. China still considers it part of China. Referred to as Chinese Taipei sometimes. Taiwan is one of the new 6 countries. As of right now we do not know if eTaiwan already has a provisional cabinet like New Zealand. But we will work to get that info out to you.

Belarus is located in Europe. Once part of the former Soviet Union. It became an independent country once the USSR collapsed. Just like the other 6 countries entering the game, Belarus will bring more people to the game. As of right now we do not see any provisional Leadership proposed.

former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Referred to by the UN as the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Its also referred to as FYROM for short. Its located in Europe near Kosavo. It once was a territory of Yugoslavia. The RL country gained its Independence in 1991. As of right now we do not see any provisional Leadership proposed.

Located in Europe in the Mediterranean. Cyprus is located right under turkey. Many people say that Cyprus shouldn't really have been added. But the small country will add some good resources.

Located near Bosnia and Herzegovina in south central Europe. Declared intependence in 2006 from Serbia and Montenegro.

This has been the Political Spotlight Update with CrayolaButthole. Tune into World Wide Whitehead every Friday Night at 11pm est/ 20 erep time. Where news, politics, and your voice comes first. This upcoming Friday we will have updates on Country President races in the US and info from the 6 new countries. Thanks for reading.

WWW Political Correspondent