Sneak Peek into other newspapers : Aleju(Spain) el federal

Day 1,872, 00:09 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken


Basis of review: Text 3 articles Pictures all reviewed.
Country: Spain
Newspaper: el federal
Subscribers: 152
Average votes in last 3 articles:122

My review:

Last article

Kinda interesting lots of boring mundane administrative stuff but I saw some good points as well.

In last article he mentions that a CP named Kuervo made a list of Bad and Good players apparently with a member of his cabinet in the bad list 😃😃
The whole cabinet quit.

Then he says that they distribute goods equality between all players of the spain the only requirement being that you need to be spanish.

Perhaps some food for thought there.

Also there is a daily lotto where a player can win 10000 esp if he can correctly predict the results of all football games of the day.

Second last article

He takes on the viewpoints of another player Outsmarter and refers to what he calls "Being eIzqiuerda" which he lifts as being and I quote him rather than summarizing

Ajuna wrote:

"By generalizing, let's call it "being eIzquierda." Being eIzquierda, unlike what many may think, is not to nationalize everything in sight, or raise taxes to the point of loss-making company. No. Being eIzquierda it comes to understanding the complex mechanisms of the human community, above the triviality of the individual self, and to extol the value of the community in pursuit of social progress. eIzquierda Being is the thought that understands that the very nature of evolution is closely related to the inter and intra community together. That any action individualistic opposite equal members of the community, like the monarchy, that becomes entrenched, is intended to be truncated by the force of the members of the community and a desire to relate to freedom . eIzquierda players are those who believe that the state should be the guarantor of the permanence of the community, to represent and exemplify and maintain in the community to those who want to rise above it. Therefore, you should ensure that no member of the community and monopolize power or resources that they are properly distributed in society. because we know that every state undermined their competence, their capacities reduced merely create fractures and irreconcilable differences in the community , which are used by some egotistical megalomaniac to rise above the free citizens. Because life is collective, not individual life, which gives the individual freedom, and this, to progress. because we lay the foundation for a community of free citizens on equal status, because equality in the community not something we have to give is potentially something that citizens should have the fact of belonging to the community. A structure that provides secular education and excellence in promoting a nonpartisan effort, innovation, critical thinking and the feeling of belonging to its citizens. Some institutions that support and ensure the freedom of the community, and with it that of the individual. An army, composed of all citizens, to defend the integrity of our community and its territories and boundaries, to ensure the progress of the community and prevent other communities or individuals can be placed on it. And no more. Federal Left

Third to last article

Set out parties social program.

Then makes some jokes ". And this is what our little ones have done this week: IF Plot Against Requiring Vihesito to put the gif of: coffee: forum, under threat of mass publication in all threads , Jay Bailey photographs showing his c***. The terrorist attack was perpetrated not because Zhestkin coffee ran out and saw the need to upload gifs (bailey approves, approves not bailey, bailey wtf, y: coffee🙂. Conspiracy against humanity Ignatius Farray created a zombie pony flying, but escaped from the laboratory of BSK Industries and his whereabouts are unknown. letter to SG IF hamor vihesito Dear, I wish you a New Year full of boats and whores. With love, your children Berserkers. Zhestkin philosophical reflection "Xiosif want a child of yours How far you sell? "

So in all I see a nice blend of serious and humorous issues. Also a good ability to put his/her point through.

Overall I would say 9/10 for penmanship, humour and originality.


I wanted to place a ass and tits article but this should suffice.

Great Pics

So overall I wouls say its a good newspaper and a definitive option for a subscription. Also as in each country in this game a country is consumed with inner politics. Like Ireland also. For a game with a definitive war element there is little interest in foes. Generally this is not a healthy state of affairs in an online game because with the viewpoints inwards the cracks start appearing and the country is divided in factions like in eIreland.

If I do publish further articles in this category I will likely go to a country and see what newspaper is tops and work from there.