Shekel (שקל‎) for your thoughts?

Day 1,027, 19:42 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

How do you think we're doing eIsrael?

It's been pretty quiet lately. That can be a good and bad thing. I suggest you all sign up to that super cool new forum we got.

That's 5 times, so you can't miss it.

It has been pretty quiet eIsrael. What do you propose we do? Stay the same? Start something different? I'm keen to know what you guys want us to do. Especially those who don't say much.

Guys, as Vice President, I get to lay on my butt all day with the second-highest position of power. Do you know what I do?

It starts to hurt after a while, believe it or not. SO tell me guys, what do you want our government to do that we haven't been doing? PM me, leave a comment, just tell me what you want us to do. Mainly so I can get up from my laziness, but also so we can actually get some more work done.

Here's that Shekel.

Over and Out,

Sam Krakower
Vice President of eIsrael