Sam Krakower for that KM (1 WHOLE YEAR!)

Day 1,008, 10:52 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

Ok guys, heres the deal.

I get into Knesset this term, I will have been in the Knesset for ONE WHOLE CONSECUTIVE YEAR.

Thats worthy of an award.

Seriously though, as always, I'll be helpin out with my experience and knowledge, ya know, all the stuff I already do.

Coolest part though? If I get in, that means that I will have won a Knesset Seat with EVERY PARTY IN eISRAEL. Now that's cool. This would be with Israel First. (Formerly Shalom) UIIP, UZP, and Lantern have all already been completed. How many people have done that? The answer is none yet, because UIIP has only been around for 2 months, and Lantern hasnt gotten anyone in except that one month. So Id be the first. Another award!

Gotta love the DD hammock award.

Besides, with my new avatar of Donald Duck, I needed an article to paste multiple pictures in. I guess this is it.

Anyways, Im running, with Israel First in Beersheba South. Please Vote for me, and good luck to all other candidates! Donald Duck time.

That's all for now!

Sam Krakower