Running for CP: Part 1

Day 1,987, 08:04 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro
If you're doing it, I'm doing it. If I don't do it, will you? If you don't do it, I'll do it. I'm doing it so that you do it too! - Vincent Garibaldi

(V2 banner looks good than before 😃)

First of all, I want to say this before giving my manifesto: Iron Man 3 was a very good movie. You better watch it as soon as possible.

Back to topic: ya, manifesto. As I say it before I will release more detailed for my program to you all; if I have enough time. And I think I have myself 2 hours to create this article. :3

First focus will be in our financing program.
You know, for many month our government already know how to create money with plato help. But in different period, the ministry treat it differently:
Darshu's term

One picture explain more than 1000 words. Contact me if you don't know what it means 😃
(i decided to change it to v2 to prevent biased information about what Darshu do in his term)

Irial's term

Irial didn't wrong. Really. Only 1 bit he didn't do until the very en😛 update the spreadsheet. I don't want to blame him for his "unfinished" job, i am only regret he didn't finish what he start.

ok, so i am promise. My MoF will do, not only continue what Irial do, but also update it in spreadsheet. Promise is (well, some people don't like promise, so i must changed it to: commitment). The commitment is: to update it daily, and make a weekly report to diet.

I really don't like promise also, so i made this to myself: Install critics to government. So, i ask people to do job to critics what gov didn't do as their promise.
Welcome my first cabinet in next month: Hizaya Nobunaga!

Why i put him being critics for government? Well, wise man say to me: if you want to know your weakness, don't ask yourself, don't ask your friends, don't ask your best friend. They only know your strength. Ask your enemy, your foe. They know better than you 🙂
So be it, he will do this job for you all, and deal with it!

Next issue is Economic program. Well, this is i cannot fully promised i will do it for you, since plato keep changing the economic program.
But, if the economic module still the same until 5th, i will announce you my economic program:

Ya, we will buy the product from "private seller", and sell it all to our market. Contact me for detail, but here is the clue: We will move the "china market" to our market. So, our newbie will get the price as cheap as china price.
So, in this article, i want to say sorry for all businessman, come or live in eJapan, to get opportunity for our market. Please be patient for only 1 month. Only 1 month ^.^

Ten Thousand Years
