Real life bullcrap

Day 1,898, 15:28 Published in Australia Australia by Septimius Maximinus

This is the Raging journal about real life issues and how i view them in my depressed crazy state.

1. People who are death row.

This is somthing that confuses me is that when people are sentenced to death for a crime they get put back in prision for months maybe years before being executed, and honestly i would rather die right after i was sentenced if that were to happen.

( I live in the USA RL btw)

If i led this anal nation I would make it a law as to if people are sentenced to death they are taken out and shot directly right afterwords.

2. School

I am still in school, I am in 11th grade in my country and i will graduate in 2014 and my school really makes me mad. I am on depression medicine because of my school, most of my teachers are dicks, they are very anal about things, half the school does drugs and drinks underage. My study hall teacher ( study hall is a class were you just sit to do homework or study) is very anal, he acts like he has a stick shoved up his ass and he is always a dick, We only get 5 min to walk the halls to get to class (there are 2000 kids in the school) so the halways are crouded and the school is big. And my class right before that is on the other side of the school, and me with my small bladder have to pee after every class (50 min class periods) so im always like 1 min late. And so recently i got a letter with them b*tching about me being 1 min tardy everyday because i have to take a piss.

I know we have gun problems here but if i were leader ( dont blame my ideology for this because i am really crazy) I would take alot of people out and shoot them.

There i got my rage out, to anyone who read enjoy my crazed mind.