Day 1,926, 02:39 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken


Adult Citizen

eRepublik birthday
Nov 27, 2012
National rank: 228

Congress medals 3:

Joined end November 2012 and seems immediately ILP:

Congress member: January 2013 , February 2013 and March 2013

Timeline :
joins game 27 November 2012
Day 1845 8 DECEMBER 2012 - ARTICLE Hello world - describes himself as a noob

Day 1849 12 DECEMBER 2012 - Article- "My thoughts and candidate proposal" - 4 days after introductory article declaring himself a noob he suddenly writes a very polished article identifying some ILP problems and announcing his candidacy for some kind of position.

January 2013 - congress member
February 2013 - Congress member and FF Member of IA as liasson officer. Most low members is complaining about supplies so he is doing a crappy job anyway . Fire him ! seanan.
15 February 2013 - 80 Days after joining he is appointed to the number 1 party in Ireland.
26 February 2013 - He sets Irishbhoy1967 plan into place - appoint kunt members as congress membersand fire regular members in positions of power and appoint kunt substitutes.

Appleman if you want our respect further you will resign from that position and move out of that party as soon as possible.

[ILP] Running for PP!
12•Day 1,912, 09:40•• Political debates and analysis
My friends,

On Friday I will be running for Party President of the ILP.

What I hope to achieve:

If elected PP, I hope to bring more communication within the Party, which is something that I personally always felt was an issue in ILP. We need more communication between our leadership board, our Congressmen, and most importantly our loyal party members!

massive lies: question is more who is cydp really. From the comments he has been working very hard for the ILP. So the question is what player is deceptive enough to play this game. Guesses would include sawc. I am almost certain if you compare the pics with sawc's pics or other kunt stalwarts you will find the true player behind this obvious multi.

One pic I have seen somewhere before:

- url :

We must remember that Ibhoy say he was kunt before he joined the game? Which indicates he has been playing before or is still playing as a multi.

I also hope to get more young people involved in eIrish politics, to give them a chance like I had when I first joined the ILP.

We always encourage young, new members to run for congress and we always give at least one member a high position in our final congress list, giving them a high chance of being elected.
Something smells more and more like experienced player.

Finally I'd like to build our relations with other parties, especially 'Leftist' parties, like ourselves! I would also like to try and reach out to Leftist parties in our allied countries to build a strong Leftist community in the game.


Most of my political experiences in the game have come from my activity within the ILP. I have been a member of the ILP leadership board for the past few months now. I am also a member of the CP Committee, as well as the newly re-established Immigration Committee.

Please vote for me tomorrow!

Again a snake has been crawling his way close to the controls. May I ask how can one man play with a secret agenda for months. Only 1 really who is capable of that is sawc and as we all know sawc likes to infiltrate the ILP.

Perhaps we are now forming a clear picture of how the thefts was orchestrated and who profited from them and was behind it.

The evil master mind and thief of all eireland money people is sitting in your midst the venerable thief irishbhoy1967

Some final thoughts:

Social engineering is the appropriate word which is the art of infiltrating organizations etc etc.. Some players is just more adept at infiltrating alliances and parties etc. Most of what he wrote was propaganda and it was clear WHS etc was not really paying attention. He plays the game for a week and starts his own newspaper(nothing strange there) The first article was just your normal beginner fare. 4 Days later its a good piece of propaganda and definitely not the work of a noob. Clearly this guy isn't very clever and where some experienced player paying attention he would have been caught our earlier. The lesson that WHS was taught is keep experienced players in pp positions 3 months shouldnt be enough for irelands number 1 party. Well anyway who is perfect.