Presidential Result Update 4:00 pm edition

Day 746, 12:59 Published in USA USA by CrayolaButthole

This is your official Presidential Update From TWR
As of 4:00 EST These are the Following Results
Jewitt has opened a 7% lead over Josh Frost.

Jewitt- United Independents Party- 1454 votes/ 45.54%

Josh Frost- United States Workers Party- 1238 votes/ 38.77%

Herrn Sterling- America's Advancement Party- 225 votes/ 7.05%

Don Keedick- Umbrella Research Party- 219 votes/ 6.86%

Greg 454- Republican Party- 57 votes/ 1.79%

Total votes:3193 Presence: 0.00 %

For more info and up to the minute results on the US election Visit the link below