Presidential Candidates

Day 744, 13:39 Published in USA USA by CrayolaButthole
America's Advancement Party
Herrn Sterling- No Goals
No Other Supporters

Libertarian Party
Josh Frost- No Goals
Supported by 4 other parties

United Independents Party
Jewitt- Goals: 10% population Increase/ Increase GDP by 5%/ Control 2 new region(s)
Supported by 7 other parties

Umbrella Research Party
Don Keedick- Goals:Increase GDP by 2%/ Control 12 new region(s)/ Keep current regions
No other Supporters

Republican Party
Greg 454- No Goals
No other Supporter

In my opinion this race will come down to two opponents John Frost and Jewitt both backed by several Parties. In the upcoming days make the right choice and vote for the right candidate