Personal Views and and PV on other countries.

Day 1,654, 14:09 Published in Sweden Australia by Septimius Maximinus

Pv, Orientation: Far-Left, Patriotic and Authoritarian Socialist, Theoist (theoism) Anti-Fascist. Basics.

World Views.

Anti-Theocratic Government, A Fascist Government baised on the beliefs in a Dictator of the past, who created a Cult of Personality of himself.

Anti HEZARDASTAN Regime in Iran, A Fascist government under the boot of the Nazi Party of iran. (IRAN National Socialist Party)(IRAN National Socialist Party)

Against Pro-Dioists in USA

Anti-Corruption in Canadia,

Pro-Swiss revolutionary forces (Anti-Imperialist)

Anti-Military Dictatorship under false "democratic society" in Argentina.

I will edit this more as I think on and look over more situations on this world.