PEACE Tactics

Day 624, 09:39 Published in USA USA by Dczip

It has been seen in many battles that if PEACE (mainly Indo) is about to lose one of the battles that they started, that they will retreat instead of them losing. Thats just part of the game. But then they will just start a new battle (with their unlimited gold that they get "legally" from the game.) This means that they are exploiting a loop hole in the game, which the ADMINS went back on their word saying they would do something about it. Each time they do this, they slap the face of the country that is protecting their region, as when PEACE does this, they know most 2 clicking citizens have used up their fights, so PEACE can get a better advantage on taking out the wall.

I know that most US citizens are tired of PEACE exploiting this condition, and it is even part of the reason that the US President, HarrisonRichardson, was temp banned during a big war day a few days ago.

If the ADMINS are reading this (and I know they might be) lets try and fix this exploit, cause I would hate to see the day that the US is taken over and all the active people from the US stop playing. It has already semi-happened with Romania.