Parliament 2nd round

Day 2,096, 17:23 Published in Australia Australia by Septimius Maximinus

I am running for a 2nd term of Parliament, I feel that I have gained some knowledge of how things lie and I (as one of the not corrupt politicians) would like to serve Australia for another term as Parliament member. I feel that it is my duty to represent this great nation and to do my part to keep it free from outside influences and bad citizens who like to bribe their way to the top.

I felt i contributed my part fairly and with honor. Thank you guys for helping elect me last time as part of SR, but since they are not as alive as they once were i will be running REFORM PARTY TICKET.

There were many who quit, who left, who defected,who buckled under the influence of others, and who turned traitor for money to bring bad influence into eAus and I am proud to say that it was not me who did any of those things. I stood by my position and did my job with honor and I would like to have another chance to serve again. Please vote Reform for parliament and help keep eAus running the way it should be, free and fair. Despite my radical socialist ideology i am Running as a centrist and i will put eAus and her people before myself.

Thank you,

Comrade General Theolor. (SR Position Far-Left, Authoritarian) (Reform Position Centrist, Authoritarian)