One Year of TemujinBC

Day 1,013, 09:38 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC

One year ago, I clicked a banner ad for The New World.

One year ago, I was introduced to old man Pedo-Plato.

One year ago, I met Spencer Magee when he published this article about the mini-baby boom in Canada... 150 citizens born that day and I was one of them. So was RyanGDI and you should add him as a friend.

One year ago, I thought I could be a media mogul within about a month or so.

One year ago, I couldn't understand the war module and wondered WTF that big red box was all about.

One year ago... hey, why the hell is PEI the capital of Canada???

One year ago, I created TemujinBC because I am from BC and I wanted to live in eBC. I stayed in that region for two days and never returned until V2. Back then, Canada had four or five regions and only one hospital, a Q5 in Alberta. For ten months I regretting putting "BC" in my citizen name 😃

One year ago, I thought the military was a waste of resources.

One year ago, there was no way I could ever be a battle hero.

One year ago, Sharanor sent me three Q2 food items. I miss her and wish she'd return to the game.

One year ago, Chucky Norris was a total douche. Okay so maybe some things have not changed \o/

One year ago, a great adventure was begun. There have been so many great memories that it would nearly be impossible to remember them all. But some, I shall never forget. I remember when Canada and our allies were able to liberate all Canadian regions. I remember joining The Crimson Order (Bruck's Canucks) and starting the feud with Tenacious P, those were fun times. I remember my first BH medal, a resistance war in Delaware started by Rylde for teh lulz. The infamous coin flip election. The time I logged into the Canadian National Defense org and donated out 4300 CAD to various prominent eCanadians... including 0.69 cents to Scorpius trollolololol. The court case and subsequent media frenzy that ensued 😃 Bantering back and forth with Rigour6. Gaining access to the two main EDEN newspapers and publishing recruitment articles for The Crimson Order. And of course, fighting alongside Crimson members in battle all these months, and especially over the past two weeks.

But, there are some sad memories too. Lots of friends have left the game without a trace, others have announced quitting the game and have never returned. Most saddening is Marius Coroleone and Tyler F Durden passing away in real life. Marius and I often feuded about the Crimsons and the CAF. It's sad the last thing I said to him on IRC was in anger, and I think about him often. Same with Tyler F Durden, we had our share of disagreements but we also had a lot of good times chatting. I'm happy that I was able to meet TaiwanPanda and Plugson in real life during Tyler's funeral. Even though eRepublik has so many fails and problems and cheats and issues, it is worth playing because of the social opportunities. This games draws people together from all walks of life, and all corners of the world. There are many good people here, and you never know when they may be gone.

Usually the person who has a birthday receives gifts from his friends. But today is going to be a little bit different. Today is a day worth celebrating and dammit, we are gonna celebrate.

Every friend who tells me how great/douchey I am in the comments section will receive one free Q3 food, thanks to Crisfire (you should also add him as a friend). We'll probably have to cap this at 250, since I doubt he's going to want to be donating food all day tomorrow....

Any new Canadian citizen (level 20 or less) who comments will receive a free Q4 weapon of your type.

Any older Canadian citizen who sends me $0.69 cents as a birthday gift will receive a Q5 weapon. 😃

If you are not my friend, send me a friend request and I will send you some free swag!

To any non-Canadians: I haven't forgotten about you either. I've got many friends around the world, and I do not want to neglect you! There are free goodies to all my friends today, for Mexicans, Paraguayans, Americans, South Africans, Australians, OR GODDAMN IRISH... but if you are pro-Phoenix, you will only get Q1 rifle trollolololol!

So please comment, and maybe share a memory you have from the past year.

It is a good day for a celebration.