On being "independent"

Day 1,658, 08:30 Published in Belgium Belgium by Nohjis

Good evening,

Recently you’ve seen an article by Tony Clifford with the positions of each individual country in the current World War. I would advise all to look at it as it’ll be the basis to know who’s friends with who in this eWorld. Just today I read an article by Padwan about our neutrality. I will try to dig a little bit deeper into how I feel about the current position of eBelgium here.

eBelgium has chosen a neutral or rather “independent” course. Chosing sides with neither alliance. The reason for this has more of an historical and traditional logic then a rational or current logic to it. The traditional and historical logic was dictated by the game mechanics and the financial situation of eBelgium at the time. It had never been easy for a small country to align with an alliance without making huge sacrifices until recently. The reasons for neutrality were soon romanced to offering more protection and being more noble then actually being a part of the war. Our diplomats always had to develop strong negotiation skills to arrive at compromises on the international scene, explaining our position time and again. Some did it so frequently that they actually started believing in this romanced vision of the truth.

The average eBelgian just as any other eWorld citizen is conservative and prefers to stick to tradition rather then taking a risk and adapt to the new situation. That is why when they were given the chance, the average citizen voted massively to continue neutrality. This was for most an uninformed decision, not being made aware of the difficulties of the current situation.

Against their own better judgement, progressives did not defend their beliefs that eBelgium needed a change in this policy, that we could no longer sit on the sideline. It has been proven enough over the past 6 months, neutrality or independence isn’t understood or accepted in the eWorld, it doesn’t offer us any protection and there’s nothing noble in standing on the sideline while you watch others being wiped away from the map.

As we’ve seen not so long ago, there is a rather large group of eDutch that wish to profit of the advantages that a war with eBelgium could offer them. Part of this same group does not feel that eBelgium is an equal partner to negotiate with. They feel betrayed; according to them we hide behind our independence only when it suits us personally. They see us as opportunists who do not care for them. That is not to say that there isn’t counterweight. How long will this counterweight last if the conflict between our two nations is stirred up again ?

Could you really believe in self-protection by independence when Weapons of Mass Destruction were just invented again ? It seems the eWorld never learns that peace could be an alternative solution all players together can choose. All in all it is utopic to believe in this eWorld peace as it’s easier for troublemakers to exacerbate conflicts then it is for diplomats to attenuate them. I do believe we should all strive towards this eUtopia. Perhaps put it in a country without borders to another one and it might work. Take away the reason for conlict, maybe, just maybe you should start your journey to look for that point of hope in the big grey blobs on the map.

Aligning with an alliance is allowing others to participate in a different way to achieve an utopic state. The utopic state of a domination victory where a few rule over many. Or on a smaller scale to avoid others to be occupied territory, to have a strong solidarity with countries you would rather not see occupied. Perhaps you’ll then let the opportunity to the youngins to fight a real (demonized) enemy, take part in another level of the game and learn how to make a difference there. eBelgium should move and should move towards the friendly nations that have supported her for a while now. It will not change the illusion of protection we have and it will bring some obligations with it but I believe it’s time for eBelgium to move forward and be a true friend to those that have protected her.

I hope you will have had a good read,
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