Old World Thinking in a New World

Day 2,922, 19:09 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

This game use to be about territory and the bonus’s those territories gave us citizens. The game was also about fighting for allies because they would fight for us when our time came.

This game is about none of those things any more. People fight for CO’s. Most of the big players are not even controlling where they fight, they use scripts to collect as much CO as they can. If they get caught fighting against an ally for CO they blame the script, if they even bother to defend it at all.

Unless you have a very rich country or have a foolish citizen willing to waist vast amounts of real money on your entertainment in the form of CO’s you can expect very little outside help.

People don’t fight for free. Every individual is a small business man looking after his own personal interest above that of any ally.

At best you can hope for is that if the CO’s are equal most your allies will actually fight for you instead of your enemy.

We also now have True Patriot cash. Unlike the CO this is cash coming into the game and into your pocket that does not rely on someone giving you his personal cash or cash from your own country’s treasury.

True Patriot cash is equivalent of having a CO set at 10 CC per million at 100% influence. For division 4 fighters like me it is decent income.

I have every Q weapons factory in the game including 2 Q7’s and enough gold in the bank to buy a 3rd if I felt stupid.

I have several food factories of various Q and 100’s of resource companies feeding them.

Do you know how much income I get from all this investment? Zero. None. I cannot even be bothered to sell any production. I manage to consume or give it all away.

With an economy so broken I don’t care about resource bonuses. They just don’t affect my bottom line that much.

That is why I believe that TP is by far the most important resource in this game. It is way more important than regions and their bonuses.

Once we have achieved at least 4 regions and few good bonuses’ TP should be our priority.

Perpetual war should be our goal. We have achieved this for time being with the Italian training war and we are also even getting some cash for our treasury in the form of rent.

The situation was, before the training war, is that we had 6 regions. We only had these regions because Italy and Albania gave them back to us without any preconditions.

We were starting the odd RW and failing in every one. Most of us with money were constantly in the 7 day penalty box. So here we were being occupied and yet getting next to no True Patriot cash for our trouble.

If we NE’d anyone we would be wiped in a few days and be put back to square one starting loosing RW’s every couple days at best.

This stalemate was a completely stupid situation. Why not take advantage of a willing partner and engage in a situation where we would collect TP every day for free?

Everyone seemed to understand the idea when we were running around Ireland collecting True Patriot cash. Most of us could not understand why Ireland did not want to continue the training war. We were all getting TP were we not?

Now I see some of us are thinking the same way Ireland did. We are thinking about the next to worthless territories and bonuses while ignoring the most important resource in the game, True Patriot cash.

Unless someone has a million or two CC sitting around to free us we should be taking advantage of this situation. Use your new world thinking and forget about the way the game use to be.

Money is flowing into our pockets and it is costing no one anything.

We are winning!

Yours respectfully,

Exalted Druid