New players - eUK brings you the NHS MU

Day 1,686, 10:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BigAnt
New players - eUK brings you the NHS MU

New players' MU (free health and weapons)

The UK government have launched a MU for new players called 'NHS - New players join here'. The MU is for Division 1 fighters, that is players between the levels of 1 and 24.

All members of this military unit will receive 500 health and 5 Q6's per day! This is funded by the government, and players do not have to work at a government company. Players will not be able to claim on the separate NHS scheme, and a list of people who apply for the NHS scheme will be compared against the MU membership so people don't get both. The aim is to give to as many young players as possible, so please don't be selfish and try to get both.

Players in the NHS MU, will receive these supplies provided they have fought the day before. This is to ensure activity and that people who are no longer active are not getting expensive kit.

Join the NHS MU here!

As I said this MU is for players between the levels of 1 and 24, players over 24 will be moved on and are encouraged to join other MU's.

** Receive 500 health a day, instead of 400
** Receive 5 Q6 Tanks daily.
** Gov support, advice and mentoring

Thanks SikalokiN for the new banner 😃

Vice president eUK