New Era

Day 1,859, 02:25 Published in United Kingdom Poland by wigibob

New Era is one of the biggest Political Parties in the eUK

I remember when I first joined the John Bull Party (which became New Era) I had low expectations but this party has helped me grow, I thought I would be one of those players who never has any political influence but since I joined I am in my 2nd term in congress and 2nd time as Vice Party President (which I though I would never achieve) but from New Era I have learned to aim as high as possible and don't stop until you get there.

But this article isn't about me, it is about you, what you can achieve if you join New Era today, don't get me wrong I am not saying all other Parties are rubbish but I truly think that New Era is the way forward so make a difference and all you need to do to join is click this link, it couldn't be simpler:

Thanks for reading

(Vice Party President of New Era)