NE of India

Day 2,005, 07:54 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

Today congressmember dodial proposed a law to make India a Natural Enemy his reason for proposing this law was that he is entitled to his freedom of opinion.

That region was expected to go to Albania under the regional agreements made and the ePakistani government was already aware of this. However in the name of freedom of speech it seems that congressmember dodial is working in the interests of India because as explained by Indian sources they would prefer Pakistan take that region versus Albania because what the Indians want is for Pakistan and Albania to fight which means at the end one country will remain and that is one less country for India to handle.

I along with many active pakistanis have worked very hard to make this game more interesting and to make pakistan more powerful than what it was, it gets tiring and frustrating when real life Pakistanis decide to excercise their freedom of speech by going against Pakistani interests.

Hence in the spirit of freedom, I encourage all congress members to vote as they see fit and I will remain neutral through-out this process.

If Pakistan is to be wiped because of the foolish attention seeking tactic by congressmember dodial from the Pakistan Revolutionary Front than so be it. PRF has always claimed to be the true owner, their party produces the most inactive players in ePakistan, with the most promises and the lowest delivery on those promises. That party stands today simple because of its propoganda against the Democratic Party of Pakistan and me, its a collection of old players who are unimportant in the new world and who despise me.

So free congressmembers of Pakistan decide your fate, 2 more years of occupation as structured by congressmember dodial when he was Country President or a strong active military power in the subcontinent.

The outcome of the Natural Enemy vote will determine my level of involvement with Pakistan affairs and the level of involvement of my top leadership.

It is time to chose.