NBA Trivia - First contest

Day 1,523, 13:03 Published in Serbia Spain by Durruti

Oh hai my loves.

Since I've been bored as hell here from a long time, today, while I was studing some pig disgusting stuff, I had an idea.

Why don't I do a kind of trivia with NBA questions? Along with chechoo and salva_vlc I already did it for IRC, but we never thought about doing something like that ingame, so it could be a good initiative.

And here I am.

Starting today, I'll publish articles in which I'll ask a question which should be answered. The first player who answer it correcly will receive a nice prize: some hundreds of Q5 food (from 200 to 500) and some tens of Q6 weapons (from 20 to 60), depending of question's difficulty.

The rules for these first contests are the following:

- One photo will be posted here. You'll have to discover who that guy is.

- Three clues will be added in order to help you in that purpose.


- Prize: 500 Q5 food and 50 Q6 weapons.

- Photo:

- Clues:

a) He won a NBA championship.
b) He retired when he was only 30.
c) He changed his name in 1998.

So C'Mon guys. The first one who discover his name will get the prize.