My Two Cents

Day 1,467, 17:09 Published in USA Pakistan by av khan

Julia Cameron writes in her book Blessing, 'What we focus on, we empower and enlarge. Good multiplies when focused upon. Negativity multiplies when focused upon. The choice is ours: Which do we want more of?'

Since joining eRepublik over the time, generally and after joining eUS a few days back, particularly, I have noticed 1 thing more than any other
Negativity: Hate, Trolling, Pessimism, focusing only on worst. Demanding, forever demanding.

'The mind that is too ready at contempt and re-probation is, I may say, as a clenched fist that can give blows, but is shut up from receiving and holding ought that is precious.' George Eliot.

We shout about eRepublik.
Yet don't wanna leave it. But we don't wanna improve our experience by our way as well.

We shout about taxes. Most of the people who wrote articles for congress campaign talked about it. Making promises they will change it.
Yet from what I understood, this isn't a new issue. Its months old. And if it is, this must be the routine of every month and if it is so then why haven't they been changed?
Pardon any mistake I am new to eUS so I don't exactly know anything just guesses from what I have read so far in these 8,9 days during which I have been staying in eUSA.

We shout about the two classes. (Again a guess) Of those who work in military communes and are in military and don't have to pay any taxes for salaries. While the others the rest of the people who don't want to join military.
Yet, the question remains, 'Why don't you want to join military?' An answer which I saw was 'I love my freedom'. Yes, you love your freedom but I suppose you forget that every right has a duty and every privilege, its consequences.

Let me ask you a few questions,

You are stuck in a place for whatever reasons.
Which path appears better to you?

Would you just sit and criticize God for getting you stuck at that place? That you are bored. That you have nothing to do.
Would you do something to make situation better? Or perhaps even try to clear away the reason for your stay there?

Apply this case to eRepublik and then think!

Similarly the thing about military.

In RL, if you just sit at home, don't do anything.
You HAVE the freedom to do that! But you CAN'T in any possibility think that someone else will go earn your bread for you. Because nobody will. You have your freedom but you have to pay for it, everything has its consequences.

How can you compare yourself to someone who doesn't take that right of freedom and work for his money? How can you expect to get same car as he has? And most importantly, 'How can you Whine about it?

Just my two cents.

av khan or _Sora_ (on IRC)