My PP election manifesto

Day 1,936, 06:39 Published in United Kingdom Poland by wigibob

Hello all, I am wigibob, 3x Vice PP and 1x secretary general of New Era and I am going to explain why you should vote for me and what I will do if I am elected.

1.I am dedicated to New Era and the British army, I remember the days when it was The John Bull Party and the British Bulldogs as I was there then, I have seen us climb the rankings and i want to continue this, I want us to I will try to get up to 2nd in the rankings ASAP.

2.I would bring new ideas to the party. (you could call it a New Era for New Era)

3.I would try to give more power to the people giving you a bigger say in what happens in your party.(providing you are a New Era member(if you aren't you should be.))

4.I know that a few people are unhappy that I only really do things just before the PP elections but I think that I have been more active this month and if you elect me I will be even more active.

5.I will let people put themselves forward for positions (e.g.Vice PP, Spokesman) and I will talk to all of them and choose who get the position myself.

6.I want to get rid of the bad name that some people have given us and dismiss all the bad rumors about us.

That is why you should vote for me

If you have any questions Mail me or leave a comment below

Thanks for reading
