My PP Candidature

Day 565, 09:03 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

A little over a month ago, I found a home with The Canadian Social Democrats. I can’t even begin to explain how much fun I’ve had getting to know everybody on the forums, and how much more active I’ve been since. Now that summer vacation is coming around (WOOT ) I’m going to have a lot more free time, therefore I would like to dedicate that time to the CSD, which is why I ask that you, my fellow members, to consider me, Nosyt, as your next Party President.

As a PP, I would promise to listen to every CSD member, and inform the party before making any decisions on behalf of the CSD. I hope to achieve increased activity rates, by encouraging discussion, recruiting new members and encouraging current members to participate on our beautiful forum.

As proposed by Dabman in the last election, I would like to create an administration within the party to become better organized, however rather than all at once, I’d like to gradually propose such positions on the forums, starting with the establishment of a deputy party president.

I promise to be an active PP, and I would like to continue building on our party relationships with other parties. I am proud to be a member of the CSD, and I would be honored to represent our party as your president. With all that in mind, I would ask you to consider me, Nosyt, as your party president.