My Congressional Bid Presentation for DC

Day 758, 14:30 Published in USA USA by CrayolaButthole

Well folks, it's that time of the month again, and by that I mean it's time for Congressional elections! I intent for running for congress in DC. I love to help the people and thats what i want to do. Since the UIP is not one of the 5 largest parties i had to switch parties to the United States Workers Party, and i hope to represent them in DC.

Who is CrayolaButthole?
Well, I'm a bit over three months old in eRep now. I am on the UIP recruiting team and communication team. I am in the Mobile Infantry. I have also been active with military and with other things within the party and nation. And i want to help fight for your rights.

I believe we have a well structured Donation system. Our organizations are well and powerful. but for the ones not fortunate enough i believe that donations should go to them the underfunded organizations.

The budget needs to be be updated and the Military should receive more funding. I believe everyone should be offered a great job and government funding should go to companies with large amount of workers to help them pay their workers. The minimum wage should be updated money could be used to update that. I believe we should propose a new citizen fee for newly created citizens. We should also raise taxes a little to deal with inflation. I also believe that every state and territory occupied by the US should have at least a 3 or 4 star hospital. I believe this because people who live in other states and fight but cannot get wellness due to the fact there is no good hospital. Plus hospitals are vital to our strength and to the war.

Government Transparency
Like most, I support a more transparent government. The people need to be informed about what’s going on with our country as a whole. If elected, I will work hard to keep not just DC citizens informed, but all USA Citizens. I believe this should be a people's government with laws to help the Citizen's achieve great success.

Why vote CrayolaButthole, for DC?
I don't know who my opponents will be this election but I wish that you find me the most qualified to help represent your state. I am a very active member and I get the job done when it is needed. Well I believe i am well qualified and I care a great deal about this eNation and want to protect my people. If my opponents are well qualified then so be it. But if you want to be successful vote for me and i'll help you.

I hope for a good race, and I wish the best of luck to my opponents. check out my Erepublik profile at:

SO if you want a Congressman who will fight for you vote for me i'll get you to where you want to go.
Thank you