Message to EDEN and TERRA soldiers

Day 1,396, 12:23 Published in Serbia Serbia by bg-pobednik

Dear friends, 🙂

Serbia is attacked from all sides. Ones again you are trying to tear down our country. It is clear that you are not aware who is on the other side of the battlefield. To help you understand that, I will present you one little segment from Serbian history.

Dragutin Gavrilović was a notable Serbian and, later, Yugoslav military officer. You can read his speech. That is message to his soldiers before battle for Belgrade in World War I.

Soldiers, exactly at three o'clock, the enemy is to be crushed by your fierce charge, destroyed by your grenades and bayonets. The honor of Belgrade, our capital, must not be stained. Soldiers! Heroes! The supreme command has erased our regiment from its records. Our regiment has been sacrificed for the honor of Belgrade and the Fatherland. Therefore, you no longer need worry about your lives: they no longer exist. So, forward to glory! For King and Country! Long live the King, Long live Belgrade!

Do you understand now? That kind of attitude is waiting you on the front line.
We will fight bravely and we will never surrender. Prepare to go down! And better for you is to STAY DOWN.

Hail Serbia!
Hail ONE!

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