Day 1,760, 02:34 Published in China Greece by VOIDOKOILIAS


Thanks to the endless efforts of my beloved sex partner smee again and his harem i am proud to announce the ultimate MEGA GIVEAWAY of all time.

The money i am going to giveaway is humongous and i can only estimate it in because the donation list jammed after the first 1000 transfers...

I calculate it between 3,23cc and 4.002.345,71cc so it's going to be a great and difficult achievement to distribute all that doe, so be patient.

Every comment (ah who am i kidding, I NEED SUBS DAMN IT !!!) will receive 0,01cc so hurry up and start voting and subing to start the cash flow to your pockets.

Special thanks to smee again
, my hero and mentor for his incredible belief in my righteous cause

Last but not least as the old monkey says ''peep is the opium of the masses'' so enjoy the show.

please watch with caution this last one...