Lets Make The First Time Memorable ^_^

Day 1,461, 20:08 Published in USA Pakistan by av khan
Eh, what's up, doc?

Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out of alive.

Well, here I am. N I've been an eAmerican citizen for 24 hours.

So folks, allow me introduce myself.

Instead of faffing around I will cut the chase.
I am av khan.
Click on my name if you want to know anything else. Eh? See those teensy bluey words. No, not those fathead. The one in the line above, yea.

To be straight up, I didn't write this cotton-pickin article to give some darned intro.

I just wanted to feel the eUS media

As I am a virgin (now that's an embarrassing word for someone a year old or may be not) to the feeling of any media except ePakistan's. So, lets make my first time memorable 😁 shall we?

Dunno what else to blabber about so for now