Let's Observe [EN]

Day 3,299, 06:08 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by AdjieDW

Thursday (12/1/2016) - This is my analysis..

If she declare herself as the Queen of Indonesia, then why she didn't act as the real Queen of Indonesia right now? Where is she go? That's a big question for me.. 😘

Wanna make Indonesia to be her allies? then why she didn't use the diplomatic ways? Another question that pop up on my mind at the moment. 😮

You don't believe what I'm saying? Well then, I've captured the news which is post on fingerbanged newspaper.

'Neglected and inspired rebellion'

How does the writer know that we doesn't receiving proper attention? Was she judge it by herself? Republic of Macedonia and all of our allies was always on our side, and she didn't notice it at all?

And, we could take care for ourselves, why the author are so concerned about that? If the author really care about it, why she didn't come here by herself instead by bringing her country to our land?

So, think again, who's the one who inspired rebellion?

'To fully bring you into the fold and take your rightful place next to our strong and powerful American brothers.'

'Today we finally claim that our place as part of the brotherhood of the eUS'

If the writer wants to made us her brother, I will ask again the same question, why your country attacking us and wipe Indonesia from the map in the first place? 😘

And one more thing:
In my heart, my queen is only Tijana R. Whenever she still notice me or not, I Don't Care! I'll be the one who loyal to her. 😃

I'm bluffing about that? Click Here and see what I've been through alongside her 🙂

That's it for today, I'm just questioning the article that fingerbanged press director made.

See you and enjoy your day!