Learnings from Slavonia

Day 651, 00:48 Published in Serbia Hungary by montaigne

Slavonia for us is a place for pilgrimage. We go there pretty often and come home with bloody noses. And then we read in our press the self-confident Croat's comments shouted from behind their mom's skirt.

OK, this time was different. Not as an outcome, because we are still with bloody noses, but if someone was looking at the battle it was impossible not to notice how much we have grown up.

We were like this 2 months ago:

We have grown up

But our enemies are still bigger and stronger.

It is remarkable how strong we fought on our own against that many MPP-s. We inflicted more than 1 milion damages, and we caused huge headaches to the enemy.

But I must also say I have noticed something, which can be and should be done better next time:

1. We were short of Q5 weapons, AGAIN. And as a matter of fact we were short of money as well, so we could not afford to buy "last minute" from speculants.
2. We were short of allied forces. We got some volunteers (especially from Hungary and Iran), but I have not seen too much on a PEACE level (ok, there were some "circumstances")
3. We were short of tanks while enemy made the job with the help of the tanks

One cause of our Q5 weapon shortage is, that State cannot cover the needs for Q5 weapons with domestic production. We are net importers of Q5 weapons and therefore we are vulnerable on supply levels on the stock.

The precondition for running Q5 companies is to have workers with skill level 6-7. The first Lipec babies will reach skill level 6 in about 1 month. Skill level 7 will be reached in 3 months. We cannot wait that much. I would recommend to invite to Serbia foreign players with high skill levels to work in Q5 factories for a fair salary.
Maybe at the beginning it will not be cost efficient, but when we talk about National Security we should open a bit more our pockets.
Iviting senoir settlers may have another benefit: it is a good likelyhood, that settlers with skill level 7 will have at least Strength 10, so they can probably hit a damage of 200 at maximal wellness. One fighter like this without wellness pack may make a damage of 2000 in a battle. If we find 20 senior settlers, that would mean an additional damage of 40.000.

Please comment this idea!
