Last judgement day

Day 650, 03:24 Published in Serbia Hungary by montaigne

Dear All,

As IRL I am Hungarian, I am also reading the Hungarians newspapers.
Some Serbians are asking the help from Hungary in the battle of Slavonia.

I have to say, the help is unlikely to come. Not because Hungary does not like Serbia, but because today is on one of the TOP3 days EVER in EREP.

-Hungarian army has been moved partially to France to defend Ontario and Asturias since France on it's own does not have the military force to do it.
-The other part of the Hungarian army has been moved to Indonesia to fight in California against the Romanian and USA army plus 9 other armies (excepting Croatia, Greece and Spain, who have other sort of homework to do).
-Hungarian "kids, and women" are facing the Canadian army (unfortunatelly a lot of damage has been wasted in those 3 battles). Big country = many noobs.

All in all, we are alone against Croatia and apparently 11 allies. In reality there are "only" 5 allies supporting Croatia: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Poland and unfortunatelly still Italy. Taking a closer look, only Poland is the one, which really matters.

Still it looks like an uneven fight, but the frontline is somewhere on the half line between secure and conquer.

I think noone can predict the outcome of this battle, because it will be decided on who has more reserves, who is better organised, who is prepared to spend more on better quality weapons.

Since I am only 100 days old, my damage power was enough to make a damage of roughly 900 and I think it should not be me, who should get the wellness packs and Q5 weapons.

Therefore I donated 10 Gold to MUP, in order to ensure, that the money is spent more efficiently.

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