Join the United Independents Party

Day 945, 12:07 Published in USA USA by CrayolaButthole

Hello America are you fedup with bad leadership in your party. Leaders dont work for you, you cant seem to understand your Party. OR you just dont have a party.
Well i got a party for you, The United Independents Party.
Created in 2007 at the beginning of eRepublik. This party aims to help there members, and mold some great leaders. We are the 4th largest party in the eUnion.
Once you join our party you will gain access to many great things
The Party is currently under the leadership of Herr Nicholas .
In the UIP we have groups and activites for everyone.
First let me start out by telling you about our wonderful Communications team. Made up of the Shout Squad
We have a wonderful recruiting team, which has really brought our Parties Numbers up alot in the past few months.
Other teams include our Education team, investment, and election teams, along with our MVP
Come debate with us at our Debate Night.
So if you want a party that will fight for you.
Join the UIP
Thanks for your time.