January 5th CP Candidate, Wes Lewis

Day 1,129, 05:20 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

Category – Politics

January 5th CP Candidate, Wes Lewis is on the rise. Wes is currently trying to get all the support he needs to beat current CP TemujinBC in the next elections. He’s trying to win the DAL primaries to eliminate TemujinBC from the running. He’s been gathering support from most smaller parties.

Wes Lewis’s Background (Past Month)

On November 25th Wes was elected one of the 36 eCanadian congressmen. After a short amount time he was nominated for Speaker of Congress. A week later he won Speaker of Congress. Less then a week later he resigns his spot as Speaker and congressmen. He said he left eCanada to go to eUSA for personal reasons. Now he is in the running country president on January 5th 2011. He wants to be named “First eCanadian President of 2011.

Wes Lewis’s CP Candidature Articles:

Wes Lewis for President of Canada
CP Campaign - Step 1 - Intern System & Update

Interview With Wes Lewis

Interviewer: Why would you like to become CP?
Wes Lewis: I want to become CP for many reasons; my top reason for wanting to be CP is I want to be the President to fix some of our long time problems. For too long our citizens have been able to point out and be effected by the same problems, I hope to fix some of our old programs back up, and fix some of these problems our citizens have. My second reason for wanting to become President is I have many ideas that I would like to see implemented; I have new positions in the executive I am introducing, the first is to improve between the Executive Branch, and Legislative Branch for instance. My third reason for wanting to become President is simply to prove to myself and others that I am capable of running this country, and that I can do a damn good job at it.

Interviewer: What do you hope to accomplish as CP if you get elected?
Wes Lewis: There are many many things on my list to accomplish if I am given to honor of being the next President, and the first of 2011. My biggest plan would be the revise of our MPPs, thanks to the new system we lost 200 gold and our two most important MPPs because of an MPP with Mexico. This is a huge problem, and needs to be fixed immediately, thus I plan on cutting out at least three MPPs and maybe more after we look at it, Mexico, Venezuela, and India will be removed, and the United States and Spain signed once again. My second plan is the to finally get the transparency that so many people have requested for months now. I am going to be reviving the repealed Transparency Act, and loosening the classification procedure largely, this also will be stretched over to include all of our groups such as the Canadian Armed Forces. My third plan is to reform our laws such as the Constitution, our immigration policy, and get the "Meals on Wheels" program back online.

I also have some other goals, such as tax revisions, a more monitored and secure budget, making all groups getting funding more accountable, and expanding our policy to include other groups such as the Praetors or Crimson Old Guard. I have other plans in mind which will all be included in my platform when it is released in steps, but I believe I have over 30 major plans I have already written down.

Interviewer: Do you believe eCanada is successful in the war versus France?
Wes Lewis: First let me say, in this game, no war is a success, territory is always returned to its sovereign nation at some point, and is only temporarily good for the countries involved. In this current war, I must say no it has not been successful for us, the only positive outcome is the limited time we occupied the UK. While we have faced two invasions from them already, which have been pretty successful, and I suspect this one will be far greater in size then their last. But also we cannot trade with a nation like Ireland, which is are only possible option in our current state at actual trade.

Which is why, I am going to try to achieve neutrality for our nation, so that we can step back and look at ourselves. In our current state, we are completely isolated from the world in terms of war, and trade. We have the US to the South which is a great ally, but impossible to region swap, because 20 MPPs with us would break. To our West we have the US again, then Russia which is an enemy to our nation, but unreachable in terms of peace anyways. To our East we have the nations of Ireland, France, and the United Kingdoms; one we can have minor trading with, while two are continual enemies. But these nations are really our only possible chance of trade, and things will remain that way as time goes on.

Interviewer: Thanks for your time and good luck!