Is Wes Lewis Telling The Truth?

Day 1,147, 15:37 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee
Is Wes telling the truth?

Logs from #eCanCabinet

17:49 *** Wes_Lewis joined #ecancabinet
17:49 +++ Canuck has given admin to Wes_Lewis
17:49 +++ Canuck has given op to Wes_Lewis
17:49 Wes_Lewis What is going on
17:49 steam7 Idk
17:50 steam7 You went batshit crazy?
17:50 steam7 Or..
17:50 steam7 You stayed normal
17:50 Wes_Lewis ?
17:50 Wes_Lewis What is everyone talking about I am crazy?
17:51 IronToader hows all the gold u stole?
17:51 nea_milosu Wes_Lewis: check your pm on irc
17:51 maher Wes I thought I could trust you
17:51 maher You prove me wrong
17:51 Jacobi lets not throw stones maher
17:51 Jacobi we don't know the facts
17:51 maher I know
17:52 Jacobi but yes, someone may have hacked into your account
17:52 maher But I am disappointed with what happen today
17:52 Jacobi either someone at school
17:52 steam7 IDk man
17:52 steam7 Id point to someone else
17:52 steam7 COUGH COUGH
17:52 *** Kronos_Q joined #ecancabinet
17:52 +++ Canuck has given owner to Kronos_Q
17:52 +++ Canuck has given op to Kronos_Q
17:52 maher hacking could be a possibility
17:53 Kronos_Q No it isn't.
17:53 Jacobi or rather
17:53 Jacobi password theft
17:53 IronToader nope
17:53 Kronos_Q Password gift.
17:53 steam7 Or rather...
17:53 steam7 Giving of passwords?
17:53 steam7 Knowing Wesley Crusher lol
17:53 nea_milosu or rather STFU
17:53 nea_milosu and let the man talk
17:53 Jacobi yes, there's that
17:54 steam7 Idk....not to sure bout that one Mr. I lost 2600 Gold
17:54 steam7
17:54 Wes_Lewis One sec guys got 150 people pming me
17:54 Kronos_Q Oh Wes is here.
17:54 Jacobi indeed
17:54 nea_milosu steam7: you are a master of irony
17:54 Jacobi deviation 2 from the rolo situation
17:55 IronToader wes lewis speak here before pms
17:55 JFstpierre 😁😁 I'd recommend you what IronToader said, Wes_Lewis.
17:55 Wes_Lewis What is going on
17:56 nea_milosu [00:48] are you serious
17:56 nea_milosu [00:48] you where away this entire team?
17:56 nea_milosu [00:48] if yes then you where hacked
17:56 nea_milosu [00:48] all the money is gone
17:56 nea_milosu [00:48] and take a look at this
17:56 nea_milosu [00:48]
17:56 nea_milosu time*
17:56 nea_milosu I wanted to say time
17:56 Chamrajnagar[eCAN] 1st, you proposed laws
17:56 Chamrajnagar[eCAN] 2nd, gold is missing
17:56 Wes_Lewis I didn't do this
17:56 IronToader shut up guys
17:56 Chamrajnagar[eCAN] thats it in a nutshell
17:56 IronToader let him speak
17:56 Wes_Lewis I swear it wasn't me
17:56 nea_milosu then who did Wes?
17:56 Wes_Lewis I don't know
17:56 nea_milosu you shared your account with anyone?
17:56 Wes_Lewis Okay I will tell you guys something
17:56 nea_milosu can you access it now?
17:57 Wes_Lewis I was trying to hack that org that is lost so we could get the money back
17:57 Wes_Lewis and I think I fucked up with this hack
17:57 Wes_Lewis it is a scam
17:57 IronToader rolo is acting like here
17:57 IronToader *hero
17:58 nea_milosu Wes_Lewis: detail
17:58 nea_milosu s
17:58 Wes_Lewis let me get the link
17:58 *** TemujinBC joined #ecancabinet
17:58 nea_milosu I can not see how trying to recover one org
17:58 nea_milosu can lead to the proposal of 2 laws
17:58 nea_milosu and the magical dissapearence of 2900 Gold
17:58 *** Muglack joined #ecancabinet
17:58 *** Pascal14G joined #ecancabinet
17:58 *** Chucky_Norris joined #ecancabinet
17:58 Canuck [Chucky_Norris] Fear My Military Dictatorship!
17:58 +++ Canuck has given op to Chucky_Norris
17:58 *** sanchez- joined #ecancabinet
17:58 *** flyboy909 joined #ecancabinet
17:59 Muglack Yay! Big meeting!
17:59 IronToader no speaky
17:59 Muglack tell us how you were hacked Wes.
17:59 IronToader quiet citizens
17:59 TemujinBC +m might be a good idea here,
17:59 *** Danster9987 joined #ecancabinet
17:59 +++ nea_milosu set the channel to mode +m
17:59 IronToader give me a voice
17:59 Cannot send to channel: #ecancabinet
17:59 *** tatters joined #ecancabinet
17:59 nea_milosu Wes_Lewis: continue your story please
17:59 Wes_Lewis I can't find it now
18:00 Wes_Lewis But it was a pdf thing
18:00 nea_milosu your story?
18:00 +++ nea_milosu has given voice to IronToader
18:00 Wes_Lewis and it explained how to hack a g-mail e-mail which is how I was trying to get the org
18:00 Wes_Lewis but you had to send yours into the system
18:00 nea_milosu 1) if you did this
18:00 nea_milosu you deserve to be impeached
18:00 nea_milosu if you wanted that org back you should of asked another citizen to do it
18:01 *** MrManiac joined #ecancabinet
18:01 IronToader calm down nea
18:01 Wes_Lewis If I did it could have been robbed
18:01 Wes_Lewis which is why I was doing it
18:01 Wes_Lewis Ask Lavis
18:01 Wes_Lewis I was working with him on it
18:01 maher Lavis gave you the pdf?
18:01 Chucky_Norris So a guy that isn't on erep... hacked you
18:01 *** Lavis joined #ecancabinet
18:01 Chucky_Norris And posted all that mayhem stuff?
18:01 *** PhilipDellePalme joined #ecancabinet
18:02 Chucky_Norris AND KNEW WICH PIC TO PUT ON?
18:02 Wes_Lewis Lavis
18:02 nea_milosu go ahead and ask Lavis
18:02 Wes_Lewis Wasn't I working on getting that Financial org with you?
18:02 Wes_Lewis and was looking for ways to get into it
18:02 maher give hop to Lavis plz
18:02 Wes_Lewis .halfop Lavis
18:02 +++ Canuck has given halfop to Lavis
18:02 +++ nea_milosu has given voice to Lavis
18:02 Lavis Yes we were discussing
18:03 *** MrHopwood joined #ecancabinet
18:03 Lavis It was the first thing Wes asked of me when he was elected
18:03 Wes_Lewis I have been talking to admin too
18:03 Wes_Lewis they gave me the new e-mail that wasn't locked
18:03 Wes_Lewis and I was looking how to get into it
18:03 Lavis Wes can i ask you a question?
18:03 Wes_Lewis Sure
18:04 Lavis Why is it that you told Steam that the reason why you were hacked that you were trying to get the org back
18:04 Lavis yet you told me you were trying to get a gold generator?
18:04 Lavis Did you deceive me?
18:04 Wes_Lewis I tried both
18:04 *** GeorgeKirk joined #ecancabinet
18:04 *** GeorgeKirk joined #ecancabinet
18:04 Wes_Lewis Which is why I remembered this
18:04 Wes_Lewis Because I never got a response from that hack
18:05 nea_milosu again
18:05 JFstpierre Wait a minute .. a gold generator???
18:05 nea_milosu you entered your email
18:05 nea_milosu the same email you used as your citizen into that hack
18:05 Wes_Lewis I entered by e-mail
18:05 Wes_Lewis and password
18:05 nea_milosu as a president
18:06 Wes_Lewis it said you had to have that to enter the system
18:06 nea_milosu you also tried a gold generetor
18:06 nea_milosu as a president
18:06 Wes_Lewis no I didn't try it
18:06 +++ nea_milosu has given voice to GeorgeKirk
18:06 Wes_Lewis I just watched the video
18:06 nea_milosu but you where planning to try it
18:06 Wes_Lewis no
18:06 GeorgeKirk Wes?
18:06 Wes_Lewis I am not that stupid
18:06 +++ nea_milosu has given voice to Chamrajnagar[eCAN]
18:06 nea_milosu but you claim to of been stupid enough
18:06 GeorgeKirk why hath thou forsaken me?
18:06 nea_milosu to have entered THE SAME email
18:06 *** MichaelRyan joined #ecancabinet
18:06 nea_milosu your citizen uses into the hack
18:07 Wes_Lewis yeah
18:07 Kronos_Q What Cham said.
18:07 Wes_Lewis but the bad part
18:07 Wes_Lewis You know drafts on e-mails
18:07 Wes_Lewis I save my account info and the nation info in drafts there
18:08 Wes_Lewis I have for years
18:08 Wes_Lewis I didn't give it to someone
18:08 *** Silencerll[CAN] joined #ecancabinet
18:08 nea_milosu you could of made another email
18:08 nea_milosu AND ENTER THAT ONE
18:08 Chamrajnagar[eCAN] "PLEASE SIR, BEND ME OVER"
18:08 Wes_Lewis besides I though the g-mail servers
18:08 Wes_Lewis I didn't think about that
18:08 Lavis This isn't fair, you are all ganging up on him.
18:09 Chamrajnagar[eCAN] Actually, I'm just venting
18:09 Jacobi yeah
18:09 *** Rommel joined #ecancabinet
18:09 *** SnowBlade joined #ecancabinet
18:09 IronToader someone could have access his email through forums
18:09 Jacobi yelling at wes is accomplishing exactly zero for the rest of us
18:09 Chamrajnagar[eCAN] ABout computer security that should be learned at the age of 6
18:09 Jacobi if you want to vent, go to #ecan
18:09 nea_milosu also Wes_Lewis another question
18:09 +++ nea_milosu has taken voice from Chamrajnagar[eCAN]
18:09 nea_milosu how did a guy
18:09 nea_milosu that from what you told us is an outsider to this game
18:09 Wes_Lewis I never said that
18:10 Wes_Lewis idk who it is
18:10 nea_milosu knew to change the pic to rolos profile pic
18:10 nea_milosu can we see this hack then?
18:10 Wes_Lewis I am looking on google
18:10 Jacobi Perhaps we would all be better served if we gave Wes an hour or so to give us all the information he has
18:10 JFstpierre *that from what you told us may be an outsider to this game or simply has written down a PDF File that you took randomly.
18:11 Jacobi rather than attempting a military style junta interrogation.
18:11 Wes_Lewis I was looking on google
18:11 Jacobi the only thing I really care about now is this: Do you have access to your citizen account, Wes?
18:11 nea_milosu Wes_Lewis: check your history
18:11 nea_milosu in your browser
18:11 Wes_Lewis I do Jacobi
18:11 Wes_Lewis and I can't I auto delete every time I log off Fram
18:12 +++ nea_milosu has given voice to steam7
18:12 *** Kilgore_Trout joined #ecancabinet
18:12 IronToader this conversation will be analysed
18:12 steam7 Wes
18:12 steam7 You use mIRC?
18:13 +++ nea_milosu has given voice to Chamrajnagar[eCAN]
18:13 steam7 Been uh...installeing scripts from Termz?
18:13 Wes_Lewis Yeah I use Invision like salty helped me
18:13 steam7 I bet your mIRC pass is the same as your citizen pass right?
18:13 IronToader of topic
18:13 Wes_Lewis He shoulded me how it worked yeah
18:13 steam7 Not off-topic
18:13 steam7 Ill show you a couple of logs lol
18:13 Wes_Lewis two numbers in it are different
18:13 steam7 Oh god
18:13 Wes_Lewis It is obvious though
18:14 IronToader salty is the thieft
18:14 Wes_Lewis Let me change my password and I will tell you
18:14 steam7 Pastebin log coming up
18:14 *** Spencer joined #ecancabinet
18:14 nea_milosu Wes_Lewis: change your password
18:14 Chamrajnagar[eCAN] Question: Why do you delete your browser history (good secuirty conscious), and yet give away account info (horribly security conscious)
18:14 nea_milosu to both your email and your citizen account
18:14 nea_milosu then by all means
18:14 IronToader and irc
18:14 nea_milosu please go and find this evidence
18:14 steam7 So uh
18:14 nea_milosu and provide the public with the full story
18:14 nea_milosu with all the details
18:14 IronToader i will analyse the logs
18:14 steam7 Might wanna read these logs
18:14 steam7
18:14 +++ nea_milosu has taken voice from Chamrajnagar[eCAN]
18:14 +++ nea_milosu has taken voice from GeorgeKirk
18:14 +++ nea_milosu has taken voice from IronToader
18:14 +++ nea_milosu has taken voice from steam7
18:15 +++ nea_milosu has taken voice from Termz
18:15 Wes_Lewis kk my password was wesley1994
18:15 +++ nea_milosu has given voice to steam7
18:15 Wes_Lewis and my password here was wesley94
18:15 steam7 Dont follow the links Termz gave in that log
18:16 steam7 Dont install the script...dont run the commands
18:16 *** ArtemisBane joined #ecancabinet
18:16 Wes_Lewis I did try it out
18:16 Wes_Lewis I tried to get him to give me the thingy
18:16 Wes_Lewis but he said he wouldn't
18:17 steam7 Trust Termz..
18:17 steam7 Dude totally isnt in it just for the gold
18:17 steam7 RITE
18:17 Wes_Lewis you think he would do that?
18:17 steam7 Um...
18:17 steam7 Yes
18:17 steam7 Dude with obvious multies
18:17 steam7 Buys an account
18:17 steam7 He just totally fits the profile lol
18:17 Wes_Lewis idk let him explain first
18:17 nea_milosu steam7: let him concentrate on other things
18:17 Wes_Lewis I don't think he would do that to me
18:17 nea_milosu like the story we want
18:17 nea_milosu the details we seek
18:18 nea_milosu and the evidence we demand
18:18 IronToader
18:18 Cannot send to channel: #ecancabinet
18:18 nea_milosu please
18:18 Wes_Lewis I can't find this on google
18:18 *** PhilipDellePalme quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
18:18 Wes_Lewis msg00097.pdf
18:18 Wes_Lewis that is it 😁😁😁
18:18 Jacobi um
18:18 *** Spencer quit ()
18:18 Jacobi we shouldn't be clicking on that, right
18:19 Wes_Lewis It is just a guide to hacking
18:19 steam7 I would not recommend
18:19 Jacobi oh, okay
18:19 JFstpierre Basically it's a PDF, there isn't a big risk opening it.
18:19 steam7 Um
18:19 steam7 PDF's are high risk
18:19 Wes_Lewis I tried that one out
18:20 steam7 It couldnt hack your eRep account thoughA
18:20 steam7 At worst it could maybe give you a virus
18:20 maher I have open it
18:20 *** Silencerll[CAN] quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
18:21 maher nothing happens execp a guide to how to hack a gmail account
18:22 steam7 Wes
18:22 steam7 One question/demand
18:22 Wes_Lewis sure
18:23 steam7 Go in your main IRC window(the rizon one)
18:23 steam7 And type /socklist
18:23 steam7 Paste your results
18:23 Wes_Lewis it says no sockets in use at this time
18:23 *** Relic10 joined #ecancabinet
18:23 steam7 Good
18:23 Wes_Lewis But I use Invision
18:23 Wes_Lewis It is all techy
18:23 steam7 Might not be Termz
18:24 steam7 I doubt it would be him
18:24 *** EdouardMcAllister joined #ecancabinet
18:24 steam7 But i mean..he could lol
18:24 +++ nea_milosu has given voice to Chamrajnagar[eCAN]
18:25 *** Rommel left #ecancabinet
18:25 Chamrajnagar[eCAN] steam7: you realise of course, that someone smart enough to create a remoting script, would terminate connection once he got what he needed
18:25 steam7 Indeed
18:25 steam7 Hadnt thought of it though
18:25 steam7 And im pretty sure he would think about that
18:26 Wes_Lewis I hate this shit
18:27 maher how do you send the pw of the gouv org to the minister?
18:27 nea_milosu via forum pm
18:27 nea_milosu ingame pm
18:27 nea_milosu or what?
18:27 Wes_Lewis me>
18:28 Wes_Lewis I sent some in game
18:28 Wes_Lewis some in IRC
18:28 Wes_Lewis and a couple in forums
18:28 Wes_Lewis but when I first got to passwords Tem sent me all of them
18:28 Wes_Lewis in forums
18:28 steam7 Also
18:28 steam7 I noticed Termz was using his site alot
18:28 steam7 I know he's a techy guy and its useful
18:28 steam7 But i just never trusted him
18:29 Wes_Lewis how do I resign from CP
18:29 Wes_Lewis Might as well give it to Aeriala
18:29 steam7 How'd you get password to the org that god hacked?
18:29 steam7 and who did you send it too and over what
18:30 +++ Canuck has given voice to Termz
18:30 Termz What steam7?
18:30 Termz What's happening o.0?
18:30 Termz Why's the room +m 😒?
18:30 steam7 Wes
18:30 steam7 Robbed everything
18:30 steam7 Im partially pointing a finger at you
18:30 *** sanchez- left #ecancabinet
18:30 Termz ...
18:31 Termz Stop trolling.
18:31 steam7 Just saying you could have easily done it
18:31 *** sanchez- joined #ecancabinet
18:31 steam7 Never said you edid
18:31 Termz ?
18:31 steam7 Its a fact you could of we all know your far more techy then Wes
18:31 Termz (Monday/06:25:50 PM) (+steam7) I noticed Termz was using his site alot.
18:31 Termz (Monday/06:25:57 PM) (+steam7) I know he's a techy guy and its useful.
18:31 Termz (Monday/06:26:04 PM) (+steam7) But I just never trusted him.
18:31 Termz Wtf?
18:31 steam7 Hey man
18:31 steam7 Getting in my IRC
18:31 steam7 Does not help
18:31 Termz Dude
18:31 Termz I have no fucking idea what the fuck you're talking about.
18:31 steam7 My fault i know
18:31 steam7 Logs man..
18:31 steam7 I posted em
18:31 Termz Show me them.
18:31 Termz Or stfu.