Is Communism wishable?

Day 1,598, 07:32 Published in Belgium Belgium by Jofroi

Today’s article will be about the following quote:

We from the libertarian BCP wing are facing big threaths against our plan "direct democracy". The Belgian GOV doesn't wan't to share their power with the EBelgians.., they wan't uss workers to stay wageslaving and don't wan't our opinion or vote on new laws.

Wim is then calling for Communism. A first remark, most forum debates and vote are open to the Belgian citizens and you are invited to give your opinion if you want (see forum link at the end of the article).

This might surprise some people but I used to be a kind of economical communist, even if I never applied those ideas at country level due to several practical reasons. I could easily write 10 articles about communism, but I will write hereby a short abstract of the reasons why it is not suitable for eRepublik.

A first note: since Beta, I have never heard of any country being communist, even when so-called communists parties won congress/presidential elections.

Communism ideology can be divided in 2 parts, a political and an economical part. Let’s analyse both in the particular scope of eRepublik:

Political Communism

According to Wikipedia:

Communism (Lat. communis - common, universal) is a revolutionary socialist movement to create a classless, moneyless, and stateless social order structured upon common ownership of the means of production, as well as a social, political and economic ideology that aims at the establishment of this social order.

The underlying idea is that everyone is equal, the state structure isflat and everyone able to see anything and voice its choice .

The problem is that eRepublik (hint: look at the name) does not allow such voting process. There are people (President/Congress members) elected every month and they are the only ones allowed to take actions which have an effect on the game. If a forum is created by people who decide to act all equally and that a majority of congress members decides to act their own way, they will be able to do what they want (if they act against the majority, they will not be reelected the following month).

It is very sad and the political module of eRepublik is, in my opinion, one of the weak spots, but communism is not possible in politics with the current game rules.

Economical Communism

There are two opposite ways to interpretet communism from an economical perspective.

The first one, defended by Wim is:
The worker will earn back directly 100% of its production, not going through the state and taxes. Actually, this definition is more an anarchic definition than a communist definition, but let’s assume it is correct. The management would be as follows :

The state settle a 50% tax on both income and VAT and owns several Q6 companies (+ raw) to produce goods. Some people manage the companies and give the products back to the workers as soon as they have worked. Only job offers are at 1 BEF and owned by the government (taxes are so high that nobody can hire).

A first drawback: People who produce raw for themselves and want to sell them, will have to sell them to foreign countries through export licence (20 gold each!). That’ll have a huge impact on the weakest players who will have to sell their production for peanuts (rich players won’t really care, they already have several licences).

Another problem will be the cost (not even talking about the time required to manage 300 people every day, it would require 10-15 very active people daily). State would have to buy 20-30 Q6 companies (cost would be in thousands of gold).
Moreover, since organizations were deleted, it is no longer possible for countries to own companies and this should be owned by privates, with the huge risk that if the player is banned/leaves, the company is lost.

I will not talk about the other ways to interpret economical communism, because this article is already too long and conclusion would be similar (but for different reasons). For instance what is proposed by Wim with “working in foreign countries in communes” is just a tax evasion and is actually against the interests of eBelgium (this is not always true and could be debated, but it would be too long).

The fact is that communists parties in eRepublik are usually socialists parties because it is not
possible to really be communist. But I would be glad to see a proposal of practical communism implementation plan for eBelgium (more than just claiming we should do it).

Kind regards,
Member of left parties since V1

PS: If you want to discuss other kinds of communisms and debates, I invite you to open a discussion on the eBelgian forum: Economical Communism, Political Communism