Imma Stinko!!

Day 1,968, 16:13 Published in USA USA by Silas Soule

Shout it out!!

This is SNeN, the Socialist News and Entertainment Network!

This paper carries signed articles from a variety of writers who are members, friends, acquaintances or perhaps even friendly critics of America's favorite wacky band of commies, anarcho-syndicalists and whatnot, the ever-loving far-left Socialist Freedom Party.

Hey sexshies, today's articlez from conrad Richey Rich hisself, none other than me, yeah: Phoenix Quinn!

An today's hot topic is...

Imma Stinko Rich!!! Bwahahaha!!!

Bwaahahahaha! Yeah. Turns out Imma stinko-rich capliss now thatthat ol' golmine give me 40 golds! Yis'm! Just like.. umm.. shnarp... shnipp... juss like DAT! ... shnap!...

Yeah, mate!


Fikkin' EPIC!! Imma tillinyiz!!

Furty! Furty fikkin golz!


Nacthrilly ayiv investered mosterit inna sumpin that'll give a good, a good, a good uuuuuuuuuurrrrp-return. ERrr aymin Imma gonna revesterd it inna sumpit like dat. You knows, sumpit userful like, well, umm... maybe... I dunno... maybe...

...a e-Tequila Fountain of Youth:


...a pile of e-burgers:

or maybe

...jess one big ol' puff on Emperor Jude's big ol' backyard e-bong:

(Hehehehehee! Hahahahahaha! Ahhh! Hahahahaha!! Hey, I think thassis berfriend Fifer there innit? Hahahahahaa! S'funny cuzee's fat, right? Hehehheheheh. Hic.)

Oh. Oh. Just a sec... now I think Imma sad... hold on...

Nope. Wazint sad afterall.

Anyhoo... gonna go layz down now.

Long live the revolushin.
All powerz tuya SSFPeas and stuff.
