How to donate money to someone else

Day 1,985, 12:12 Published in Belgium Belgium by Jofroi

I remarked today that several players were confused with some features in eRepublik about the way to transfer money, especially when some dumbass makes articles like this one: . Therefore I have decided to make a short tutorial.

The easy world

In eRepublik there are several ways to make a donation to another player. The usual and classical way is to go to the profile page and click on the donation button.

Afterward you can select both items or money and select the amount you would like to donate to your gonna be grateful new friend.

That’s the usual way to make a donation (there is also another one through the monetary market but excepted for national organizations this became useless so I won’t talk about it).

However, there is a limitation to the donation that can be done on a daily basis. You cannot donate more than 10 golds every day. This has been done to counter multi abuses. However, there is a simple way to bypass this rule!

Not caring about admins useless and annoying protections thanks to the monetary market

(I know this is unrelated by this article lacked of pink cookies!)

There is a simple way to transfer gold even when the 10 gold limitation has been reach: transform your gold in local currency (worldwide known as CC) and then transfer it afterward. And then you could wonder: how do I transform gold into CC? Is there a feature in eRepublik that allows to do so? The answer is yes, it’s true and called the Monetary Market! (I know it’s sometimes hard to see through all that advertisement but still it is there!)

Once you will have clicked on that button you will face an amazingly complex screen with a lot of buttons.

On this screen you can buy gold with CC (fill in the B field and click on buy, and yes, I began with the B point, if you don’t like it, write it in the comment I won’t read it anyway).

In our case we don’t want to buy gold but we want to transform our gold into CC. Therefore we should click on the A button to switch from CC to gold and buy CC. There fill in the B field and click on buy again.

Yay, it worked and you made someone very happy because… Well that’s not the most efficient way to turn your gold into CC. Some of you may have noticed that there is a C (and for the others, check the picture again).

The best way to transform gold into CC is indeed to add an offer that will transform your gold for CC but for a better rate than the market has to offer. So for instance the best offer is 1 CC for 0.005 gold, you should better try to sell 1 gold for 218 CC which will make you an extra 18 CC profit. As the market is worldwide, if you put a price that is lower than the best offer currently on the market, the offer will go away in no time anyway.

Next time I will make a lesson about the exchange rates because I’m too lazy to do it know and this article is too long anyway.

For those who don’t care about donation, here are reasons to vote or say random things in the comments.

Hoping it would have helped you.

Kind regards,
The Lazy Eternal Congressman/Leader/Whatever