How a post appoliptic USA could look

Day 2,136, 16:33 Published in Australia Australia by Septimius Maximinus

This is from a tv show where ALL power in the world is turned off, It is very interesting The nations appear as thus

Monroe Republic - Military Dictatorship headed by General Sebastian "Bass" Monroe, Taxes are collected from crops, civilians owning fire arms are illegal and any flag other then the flag of the Monroe republic is Illegal The Army is called the Monroe Militia Originally using muskets as the lack of ammo affected them greatly but have been seen wielding m4's and other m16 variants as well as AK-47's their capital is Philadelphia

Georgian Federation - A prosperous Democracy with a well developed agricultural economy, due to the south's climate they can farm cotton and other crops considered extremely valuable, Their leader is president Foster and have hostile relations with the Monroe Republic and are allied to the Plains Nation. Large well equipped Army.
Capital: Atlanta

the Plains Nation - A confederation of small tribal clans living in tent cities, not much is really known all though it seems it is very lawless and all crimes are punishable by death. They have no central government and not much is known about their military if they have one. Unknown capital

Texas - Unknown but we assume it is like it is today, harsh conservative government ripe with executions. unknown capital

Californian commonwealth - The only thing known about them is their leader is called governor Afflic or Afflac unknown capital

In the last episode of season one the power was turned back on and it is relieved the USA still does exist and it's government is based in Guantanamo bay Cuba, one of their Agents named Randal Flin used the power to launch two nukes at Philadelphia and Atlanta (capitals of the Monroe Republic and Georgian federation) The reason being the US Government could come and reclaim the eastern seaboard and reform the USA.

Edit: As of now it is certain that the nukes had hit Philadelphia and Atlanta, Monroe had been overthrown for a short time before the power had been turned on and Phili and Atlanta have been wiped out, President Foster is dead and both states seem to have collapsed. New "war tribes" appear, they launch raids in Texas for food, weapons, and women