How'd That Minuteman Thing Go, Anyways?

Day 1,359, 09:20 Published in USA USA by George Armstrong Custer
Delivering Tanks Directly to the Battlefield

That's How the Monday Minutemen Do It!

Dateline: Wednesday August 1, 2011 (Day 1,359)
Location: On R&R at Fort Myers, Florida
Reporter: George Armstrong "Old Man" Custer

Let's Have Some Numbers

I'm not really big on numbers, but going over the Minutemen spreadsheet a few things kinda jumped out at me, so I did a little closer lookin' and found some interesting statistics to share.

Just for comparison, last week I ran the giveaway all day and gave away 500 tanks to 42 volunteers.
Yesterday I gave away 800 tanks in seven hours, shut 'er down for some important RL stuff and restarted in the evening. In the late session, with help from Kria Erikson, we gave away another 100 tanks.
Total: 906 Q5 weapons were handed out to 78 volunteer fighters.

Within those 78 fighters there's some interesting numbers.
In the spirit of American and Allied unity, the giveaway has been open to not only my own JCS Military, but to volunteer fighters of all Allied countries. Let's have a look at who was supplied free weapons yesterday.
Data Sort in alphabetical order:
3 Bad Company
1 Civilian, Croatia
1 Civilian, Finland
1 Civilian, USA
13 Croatian Military
5 Croatian Militia (one from each of five different ones, best as I could tell by their avatars)
1 Hell Jumpers
34 JCS (all branches combined)
5 POW (a Polish pro-EDEN militia)
12 USAF (all branches combined)

Some supply requests were not honore😛
3 Serbs
1 Dead General (Knojerakk)

Now, these next numbers are not... well, they're not accurate, but close enough to give some idea of what's what.

Cost of Operations:
Just using today's price as a number... whether tanks are donated or I bought them high or low, their value is today's replacement cost.
906 x $40 is $36,240. I gave away over 36 Thousand USD yesterday.

Battlefield Damage:
This is even more an abstract calculation. Hardly any of those requesting supplies were newbs or weak, many of them were stronger than me-- a few were "super tanks." My own Q5 1-hit score is 1840, so let's just say I did all that fighting alone yesterday. Note: my own actual tank usage is not included in the numbers-- I don't request through the form and keep track of my own stock separately.
5 hits per tank x 906 tanks x 1840 points = 8,335,200 battlefield damage points.

The Bottom Line
Now, this eight million-plus in damage was distributed to several battlefields across the map. Americans fought on the home front as well as unloaded on Poles in key European battles. Broatians fought mostly at Northwestern Croatia. The Fin fought at Oulu. Some battles were won, some were lost.
So what's the point?

The Challenge Coin program and the Monday Minutemen project bring players together from all walks of eLife, treats them all equally and fairly, and recognizes them for their efforts above and beyond the call of duty.

Our sponsors are JCS and USAF and Civilian.
Our benefactors are JCS and USAF and Civilian-- and Allies.
Challenge Coins are a morale building tool. For everyone-- not just my military group or my political group or even just for my country-- the only exclusionary factor is that it's for our Allies. We put tanks on Allied battlefields, and help Allied fighters advance a little faster while we knock the legs out from under our enemies, and that builds morale. And the Coin thing is pretty cool, too.

Sometimes it costs more to utilize this tool, sometimes less. In any case, it costs. This week it cost a bundle. It'll cost $36,250 USD (what is that in Gold?) to replenish stock to the level it was, 3000 units, before this event.

Sponsor this program. Send cash or gold and I'll buy tanks. Send tanks.
Or just watch the stock dwindle as we give away tanks, and in a couple weeks this morale building tool will be shelved.


Challenge Coins for last week's Monday Minutemen have been presented!
See the article that topped the Social/Entertainment category yesterday.

Shout of the Day:
Challenge Coins IX: The Numbers
Read, Vote, Sub, Comment, & DONATE!

Challenge Coins IX, for yesterday's Monday Minutemen, might be ready in time for presentation next week. Maybe not. I have to make 53 new Coins, plus add a star to 25 more, and what little time I normally have during my work week is committed to my kids this week.

Recent Payouts: We sent 906 Q5 weapons to 78 volunteer fighters.

Recent Donations: Donate directly to me.
(8/09): John Killah has transfered 150 USD to your account.
(8/09): npaidi has transfered 155.97 USD to your account.
(8/09): npaidi has transfered 46 ITL to your account.
(8/09): Gnilraps has transfered 5 GOLD to your account.
(8/10): Ralph Ericson has transfered 0.06 PLN, 2.8 AUD, 2.1 CNY, 2.07 GBP, 1.78 IEP, 0.95 IDR, 0.85 PHP, 0.49 PKR, 0.39 ZAR, 0.27 CAD, 0.01 PLN, 0.24 ESP, 0.07 HRK, 0.05 SGD, 0.03 GRD, and 0.02 RON to your account.
I'm just guessing these will be hard to convert to Gold or USD, but if everyone drops all their loose foreign change on me like this it'll add up... it all adds up and turns into tanks one way or another.
(8/10): Project Psion has transferred 5 Weapons to your storage.
(8/11): Kirras has transfered 100 USD to your account.
(8/11): npaidi has transfered 62.93 USD, 0.89 CNY, 0.32 INR, 0.73 AUD, 0.38 HRK, 0.37 JPY, 0.36 RSD, .34 RON, and 0.14 GOLD to your account.
(8/11): Spamgobbler has transfered 500 USD to your account.
(8/12): Durward Maximilian has transfered 2.5 GOLD and 150 USD to your account.
(8/11): portcolumbus has transfered 600 USD to your account.

Recent Purchases: (8/09) You have successfully bought 4 products for 148.00 USD.

Current Stock: 2100 Q5 tanks.

If you want to join the any branch of the USMilitary, the Training Corps is the place to start.

Do you have what it takes to be a Marine?
4000 strength, rank of General, 940 minimum influence per fight with no weapon

George Armstrong "Old Man" Custer
Marine Corps Media Officer

Tune in again for another edition of Halls of Montezuma
Until then, Semper Fi, America!