Hey Congressman Mike Schmittson, wtf?

Day 447, 13:33 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe

Well, I don't know if everyone in our Country is aware of this yet, but Congress can only vote one type of proposal at a time. Congressman Mike Schmittson(Virginia) has proposed the US donate 15 gold to his own Org, Schmitt Holdings. The Congressman hasn't even put this proposal forth in the forums yet, per congressional procedure..... What could possibly be gained here Mike, I mean come on.

Its Monday! Today it has been proposed in the forums by HeadmistressTalia, Congresswoman of Montana, that your food taxes be lowered. When the emergency taxes were enacted, the general understanding was they would be repealed, STARTING MONDAY! So obviously this is going to be a distraction.
Way to go Mike, another stupid proposal has just delayed the lowering of Americans taxes. Rest assured America your Congress will swiftly vote this BS down. HM Talia I applaud your efforts however it probably isn't getting done today. Sorry for the rant but this fired me up, lol.

If anyone in Congress is unclear on how to propose properly, read this.

America's Rookie VP

here are the links.
