Heads up: Microsoft Indian Scan

Day 1,871, 05:33 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

This happened to me today unfortunately I had no heads up and the scammers got away unpunished. I wasted only about 5 minutes of his time.

Here is a few youtube clips.




Now if you have a bit of time on your hands you can really waste a lot of their time.
I will denote parts of the scam by [part 1 etc]
First thing you need to do is claim you have an old computer and its not on.

So here you can waste about 2 to 3 minutes whilst your computer loads.

[part 1: They will claim you have problems your anti virus cant fix with windows]
Then you need to play stupid and waste their time whilst you clumsily try and get into the part of the computer they want you to access.
[part 2 : they will want you to access event viewer]
In short the event viewer which contain all of your past errors of programs crashing. You can still access this. Many times when a programs crashes it sends a error report to microsoft this is where event viewer gets into play. I would waste another 4 or so minutes of their times.

Second thing is to give them lot of positive reinforcement and make out that their very knowledgeable. Stuff like your really clever, you must have studied for a long time etc etc . Finally

[part 3 : they will ask you to access a site. Where they will remotely access your pc. They will obtain all of your information. ]

This guy had some knowledge of the scam and the exact site name and buttons. Watch how he messes with the scammer for 6 minutes just on that point . classic!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VE55R7_0E-k&NR=1&feature=endscreen

Do not go onto their site. At this time you can waste a lot of time by claiming you have no browser. Also say you dont access the Internet you only use it for sending e-mails. Downloading the browser should take about 7 - 10 minutes since your still using say ISDN a dial up modem. When you have the browser installed. Now is a good time for a system crash and reboot wasting another 2 to 3 minutes. Or at this time you can claim that you have no modem on this computer but on your other computer. Start at part 1 as you dont have a good memory and grind him through another 10 or so minutes. Finally you can then waste their time by continuously claiming that your browser say there is no such site. After about the 10th time claim your into the site without actually opening any site.

[part 4 : They will next try to get your credit card information]

At this time you can be really nasty and give them fake number upon fake number.

In the final part you get effin rude in anyway you want. Sexual innuendos ,screaming, anything you ever wanted to do is OK.

Or you can just waste their time in any old way. Try and get under their skin by making derogatory remarks about India or Nigeria if that dont work.

Here is some pics for IRR /paddy pierce who is still receiving treatment: