Happy Holidays!

Day 864, 05:46 Published in Sweden Sweden by Ghinsberg Holding

Since it's easter i'm quite bussy with friends and family so this is going to be the shortest update so far. The latest news, Ghinsberg Grain is updated to Q3 and is about to be fully employed. Real Estate still needs 10 workers, so if your a good constructor, send me a message! We feel that we have positioned us well for the future with only one competitor in Housing and very few in Grain! Date for shareholders meeting is to be announced on Sunday! Below is a short update of statistics published three days ago, figures in parenthesis states those fugures. This is it for now, take care and have a happy holiday!

Number of Organizations: 2 (2)
Number of Companies: 3 (2)
Number of employees: 25 (16)
Total Net Value: 373 (250.5) +49%
Market Cap: 585 (350) +56%
Share Price: 0.32 (0.29) +10.3%
Shareholders: 48
Number of shares: 2600

Read our latest asset-report https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AjdwM2d0o_zOdHNYUi1Ccm53Y2JDTVdGVTdfdjIyOVE&hl=sv">HERE!

Ghinsberg Holding