Governmental programs

Day 1,599, 07:34 Published in Belgium Belgium by Jofroi

Some people (no I won’t give names😁) are complaining that the tax are only distributed to a limited elite.

I would like therefore to write a small article with the list of governmental programs/donation, to allow any eBelgian to have access to governmental help.

Citizen Packs

The purpose of the CP is to allow everyone to fight daily. The only requirement is to be registred on the eBelgian forum and to ask a citizenship mask (introduce yourself here )

Citizen packs are donations in the form of 10 Q6 foods and 2 Q6 guns.

Request for citizen packs can be done every day here
(do not forget to read the rules)

Boost your strength

This is a heavier program for stronger citizens (level 25+, training center upgrade to Q2 and forum citizenship for 14 days). The purpose is to allow citizens to use the climbing center Q2 (0.19 gold/day).
There are two goals:

With the strength gain, the citizens will be able to deal more damage and thus help the country if we are at war, or to help our allies.

This a cheap way to help the citizens. Indeed, a gain of 5 strength/day correspond to an extra medal every 50 days and the training cost on that period is 9.5 gold it allows to cheaply invest into the citizens.

Request for Boost your strength can be done every week here.
(do not forget to read the rules)

Note that if you do not have a Q2 climbing center, you can ask for a loan to the state here (and you can also update your basic training center, which I would advice you to do first).

Storage/Town Center/Q4 Raw subsidies

The purpose of those 3 subsidies is to help new players to the game to evolve. The only requirements are to be level 10, registered on the Belgian forum and have the citizenship on the forum for 14 days (excepted for Q4 raw where your level has to be lower than 30).

For Q4 raw, the request can only be done once.
For the storage, it is only a partial help of 500 bef and it can be asked only once.
For the Town Center, it can be asked once per level and it is fully paid.

Request can be done here
(do not forget to read the rules: Storage,Town Center,Q4 raw

Belgian Training Academy

The purpose of the BTA is to guide and help the new citizens to make their path in the eWorld. For this purpose, a great part of the income (more than 400.000 BEF this month) is used to provide supplies (food and weapons) to the members of this military unit. The requirement is to be not very strong.

IRC Civilian Raid

The IRC civilian raid is a citizen program to educate new players about fighting and to bring more fun and more activity on IRC. Once a week 25 q6 foods and 6 q6 guns are donated for a free 30 hits on the battlefield to make you fight together with other people connected on IRC. This requires to be connected on the belgian IRC channel during the strike.

To join our irc national channel, #eBrussels on Rizon, you can either use a web irc link or an irc program like mIRC, Chatzilla or XChat. You can also connect to irc thanks to the irc button on this forum, which will lead you to this page :

The program was supposed to be held once a week, but it has currently been withdrawn. Maybe our new president will relaunch it.


Last but not least, you can also ask a loan from the Belgian state, if you respect several (pretty heavy conditions).

In conclusion, I hope that this article summarized well what eBelgium can do for you from a financial point of view. Now ask yourself what you can do for eBelgium 😉.

Vice President of eBelgium since the last time I was CP