Google Translator is not really good to translate into Indonesia Language

Day 980, 12:17 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by ravimalekinth15

To all dear friends who want to write your article in eIndonesia, I respect your article and good intention to write it. But, I do not recommend you to use Google Translator to convert your language into Indonesian language. Google Translator only good for WORD-TO-WORD,

In my opinion, this things maybe caused by the difference of English VS Indonesian language structure.

English: Drawing Book
Indonesia: Buku Gambar (literal: Book Draw)

English: Red Car
Indonesia: Mobil Merah (literal: Car Red)

Google Translator has fixed many of them, BUT NOT ALL.
For example (you can try it by yourself):

English: The most important THINGS
Indonesia (with Google Translator): Yang paling penting HAL-HAL
Indonesia (correct translation): HAL-HAL yang paling penting.

I took that example from this recent article: Bagaimana aku melawan? .I bet all of eIndonesians will laugh when they read that (not because the article is bad, but because the translation is bad). By the way, you can read my correction in the comment column there.

So, my conclusions for you:
- Even though not all Indonesian understand English, please write in English.
- Don't use Google Translator. Otherwise, it is hard to understand.
- You can ask (e)Indonesian to translate your article into Indonesia language. There are many Indonesian writers that have good English ability, such as N3mo and Wonder Forward. Just give them some gold, and they will do the translation-job

Ok Thank you for your attention😃