Ghinsberg Groups Lands The Certified List on ERX!

Day 1,109, 10:20 Published in Sweden Sweden by Ghinsberg Holding

I have some terrific news to announce to all current and future shareholders! Probably the best news in our history so far! Ghinsberg Group has been Certfied by ERX! This is truly great and something that will make it possible for us to take business to the next level!

Owning a Certified Share on ERX means that your investment is backed by ERX by 100% - even if GBG go bankrupt you will receive your money back. Even tough I hope you realize this will not be the case – it still has other benefits! We will be on the front page of ERX, meaning we will have a lot higher volume and price tend to rise since Certified Shares are basically risk-free!

Out of the promised Dividend for November of 10%, 6% have been paid out and the last 4% is coming, we’re still waiting for funds to be transferred from our ERX trading account to the GBG listing account where they need to be in order to use them for dividend.

Since I got the news myself just a hour ago, plans for the future are not yet set. Tough as of this I have decided to sell 350 shares of my own stash to ensure liquidity. Other than this, I extremely seldom sell shares since I like to keep a high stake in my own business.

I do believe there will be many good opportunities in conjunction with the new rules, which tends to make people quit and thus reducing competitiveness in various sectors. The main focus will be finding new areas to invest, of which some might arise in new sectors. We’re currently in the MM, Companies and some ERX trading.

I’l be taking the night off, lighting a cigar and sipping a glass of scotch whilst enjoying the moment. Tough keep your eyes open for further news!

Best Regards
Yossi Ghinsberg
Ghinsberg Holding