Funny citizenship requests (ENG)

Day 647, 07:18 Published in Slovenia Hungary by montaigne

Dear Slovenian players,

I am writing some funny articles in the Serbian and Hungarian media, and I got encouraged to publish it in other countries as well.

My first choice for a new country was Slovenia. Why?
Because my org lives in Slovenia, becuase Slovenian Q5 food is delicious, and has almost the best price in the world, special thanks to BioFood and because Slovenian Q2 gifts are also nice and on a very good price, special thanks to to BioGifts .

Well, my funny articles are related to the citizenship module. Hundreds of players got unwanted citizenships around the world and they striving for a different one than they have resulting in hilarious imaginary situations.

This time I have selected 16 citizenship requests from USA, Russia, Indonesia, Hungary and India – where a real eRep celebrity has decided to settle.

Here you can find my original article , you just have to click to view it!

Enjoy your time and if you want to have more fun, please:
