From Lithuania to dear slovenian friends - about the leaders of Lithuania!

Day 919, 07:38 Published in Slovenia Lithuania by Ignas Grinevicius

Hello, my dear friends from Slovenia! Vote first if you love Lithuania 🙂

As you may already know, I'm an lithuanian ambassdor in your country and I've already published some articles in your country. Today is the time for another one! This time it's going to be about some of the best-known figures in the land of Lithuania. The presentation of those people will consist from the "official" !!, an opinion about them from some random guy and a !! written by the, well, let's say, "nominants" themselves.
Go make some coffee and... here we go!


This guy was our president for four times, a present party president of "Lithuanian nationalist's party". He was representing Lithuania in Phoenix (PEACE these days) for a very long time as well. Nominated as the best lithuanian president ever in the recent poll.

He says: Cawx is Cawx and that's it. A citizen of eLithuania, a president of "Lithuanian nationalist's party".

Zaizulia about cawx: Cawx is a number one in Lithuania. 4x president, 2x congressman, poor worker (only 3 HW), weak soldier (only a little bit more than 12 strength). His opinion is important to everybody, but not everybody agrees with it. He had his nails on every single part of creating this country, and is respected (as well as hated by some people) because of that. Daniochas adds: Cawx is an electrician.

Petras Pirmasis

This matey is our present country president. He loves to write about the history of the new world in his newspaper.

He says: There's nothing much to write about. I'm a simple guy, who hasn't even finished the school yet, but I'm still very interested in a lot of things: history, eastern civilization, politics, philosophy, sport, climbing, music and some other things.
I've accidentally found a link to eRepublik - this is how this wonderful (or not) history of mine, which is still continuing, began.
And yeah, I don't like to talk much about myself.
In eRepublik I'm trying to put Lithuania closer to the top of the strongest country's list. I want to gain respect for Lithuania and I want the others to be afraid of it.
And yeah, I would love to create an business empire so I could receive a lot of BH's with ease.

Dunis about Petras Pirmasis: He's the president, who wants to do a bunch of new things, but others being indifferent stop him, because he can't make it work on his own.


Our first prime minister, member of a lot of governments and one of the best journalists in Lithuania.

He says: I am Daniochas, my real name is Daniel. I started playing eRepublik in december 2008, in Poland (because Lithuania wasn't on the map back then). After Romania invaded Russia, I moved there to help russians. I took part in Russian TO, when we took over the Norwegian congress.
When admins added eLithuania, I was the first (and the last one) Prime Minister of this country. I worked in almost every Lithuanian governemnt as MoFA, MoD, Minister of Propaganda, Minister of Newborn et cetera...
*I can understand slovenian language pretty well 🙂

Vilkdalgis about daniochas: His articles are superb! I love to read "Makulatūra!"


Our financer since the times I can't even remember. Was elected in a country president elections once and a lot of times in a "Sąjūdis's" party president elections. Regarding to daniochas's polls - the most reliable person in Lithuania.

He says: nothing

Military about Dionizas: Dionizas is our ruler! Our god!
*We can't say anything bad about him because he can stop financing us in that case.

Ignas Grinevičius

I know I'm lookin' like an egoist, but I was running out of really well-known people and I found out that I'm really one of the best-known guys in Lithuania. OK, let's make it "official".

Two times president of Lithuania, seven times party president (5x in "Gerovės sąjunga" and 2x in "Lietuvos liberaldemokratai&quot😉, 5x congressman... and a beaver forever!
An ambassador in your country at the moment as well!

He says: I'm the beaver!

Military about Ignas: He's the guy who's not very visible, but does a bunch of things. Ignas tried to reform our political system and give it a gulp of air, but there was not enough active people and determination to do so. And he's a thief! A big one! So young and so rich!

Big thanks for reading it!

Oh and yeah! Don't forget to vote for Lithuania's InCulto in the second semi of Eurovision tonight 🙂

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Ignas Grinevičius