From Lithuania again - this time about the lithuanian press!

Day 900, 09:09 Published in Turkey Lithuania by Ignas Grinevicius

Hello again, dear turkish friends!

I don't know if you remember me, but I presented myself as a lithuanian ambassador in Turkey yesterday and... promised to keep you on track with the stuff from Lithuania.

So today I'm gonna write about the press of Lithuania. Let's meet our best newspapers and find out what they write!

Here we go!

1. Lietuvos kariuomenė (1492 subscribers). The newspaper of our military. You can find out where you need to fight in everyday in this newspaper. Sometimes it also asks the people of Lithuania to donate the military as well.

2. Lithuanian news (990 subscribers). It used to be the main newspaper of our government. Now it doesn't write that often. Probably because we don't have a minister of information anymore. And probably because in my term I wrote some main news in my own newspaper 🙂.

3. Stalkeris (903 subscribers). There was a day when it had 1000 subscribers (our only Media mogul), but the owner of this newspaper manteliuks robbed a national bank, got banned and does not write anymore. Manteliuks used to write extremely long articles about almost everything.

4. Makulatūra (813 subscribers). The most popular lithuanian newspaper (of those which are not owned by organizations), which is owned by daniochas. Keeps us on track with the news from the new world, writes some things about politics, organises the polls of reliance of the politics of the Lithuania (very many "of's", I know). All in all, interesting stuff to read.

5. Modus Vivendi (795 subscribers). This newspaper was even more popular than "Makulatūra" few weeks ago, but it doesn't write anymore, because our e😜resident Akello (the owner of this newspaper) got banned for, I guess, "being a citizen of a Phoenix country" or maybe because of "being a presidential candidate in a Phoenix country" (the official reason is "properties obtained from multiple accounts", but we know how reliable they are, don't we?). "Modus Vivendi" used to write some useful things for new guys, some things about society, politics, organised a "Mis Lithuania" contest once.

6. Lietuvio Balsas (667 subscribers). Owned by our 4-times president cawx, who is still a two-clicker and a little bit active in his party chat, however, he doesn't publish articles anymore. Cawx used to write some things about politics, but the influential patriotic articles were the most frequent in this newspaper.

7. Ekonomika (465 subscribers). Economics, economics and... more economics! It was all about that. The redactor was our pro-multier and one of the best ecomonists in Lithuania - raimondukas, who got caught multying few months after he revealed his multi-scheme, so he does not write anymore.

8. Gimtasis (442 subscribers). The redactor is our soldier Vilou. He doesn't write very often, but the quality does it all. It mostly writes about the wars in the world.

9. eLietuvos atgarsiai (380 subscribers). This is my newspaper! Certainly the best one ever! 🙂! It writes about everything except for wars, so you don't have the other choice - you gotta subscribe it.

10. eLT metraštis (333 subscribers). The newspaper of our present president Petras Pirmasis. Mostly writes about the history of the eWorld, but when he became the president, I think, he will also start writing some political and social things more often.

Honorable mention - Short report from Hungary (269 subscribers). A newspaper of the best ambassador in eRepublik - Petrezselyem van a zsebemben. He always keeps us on track with the news from Hungary and strongens our relationship.

I hope you loved it. Tune in next time to hear about our military or about how we take care of our newbies (I don't even know yet 😁.

Sevgiyle Kalın

An ambassador from Lithuania - Ignas Grinevičius